Sunday, September 4, 2022

Tiger 29th December 1973

This week is a festive issue, and I must say it does feel a little strange to read it in early September. I would much prefer to be reading this on Boxing Day, a mug of mulled wine in my hand and a food hangover from the day before. I could probably stretch to reading it with a hangover from the night before, but it's safe to say I have a clear head as I read this and nothing stronger than a cup of tea by my side. 


29th December 1973

Roy Of The Rovers

Roy's battle with Len Farmer is put on the back burner as the Rovers enjoy Christmas with us. I enjoyed these first couple of pages of the story, even if it is fairly typical of what one would expect from Roy at Christmas. We have Rovers entertaining local youth organisations, a present giveaway, and the usual party games one might expect from the Rovers team. It's predictable but has a warm Christmas glow to it, which puts me in the spirit of the season. It's almost a shame that football eventually interrupts, and we return to Roy's problems. The good news is Len Farmer has been sold to Walford, for a bargain price of 50,000 pounds, the bad news is that Melchester Rovers face Walford in the next round of the F.A. Cup. It is a steady enough story, and the goodwill generated in the first half of the strip makes up for the low-key drama of the second part of the story. Overall, I feel good about everything I'm reading, and the warm glow I feel in my stomach isn't just from this cup of tea. 

Rating: 6/10

Best Line: "Gosh, the cracker's exploded! It's showering presents all over the pitch!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Martin's Marvellous Mini is the opposite of Roy Of The Rovers, with the drama all front-loaded and the feel-good Christmas waiting for us in the second half of the strip. It looked as though this may be a miserable Christmas for the boys, as a section of cliff broke off with George on it. All they could do was jump with George as all three slid into the sea together. Once again, luck is at play as the broken cliff becomes an island, and once the tide rolls out, they are able to drive along the beach. This brings us to the Christmas section of the story, and once again, the cockles of my heart are warmed with the sight of turkey, party hats, and a Christmas tree. With no desperate cliffhanger, next week is wide open in terms of story, and from here, anything could happen as they take a couple of days' rest from the rally. I don't want to overuse the word feel-good, but feel-good is exactly how I feel after these first two stories.  

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Fat lot of use that is! We can't get George aboard that!"

The Tigers

I thought a real ghost had appeared at the end of last week's Tigers story, but I am relieved to see here that it is merely someone else taking refuge in Gravestone Manor. I am much happier with the story after this revel, and overall, I found it to be far more enjoyable than last week. There are the laughs we have come to expect, Ron Burton is again bettered, and Chunky Clark rides his luck to another happy ending. There is no surprise that this happy ending involves more Christmas cheer. I'd be the first to put my hand up and admit I'm not the greatest fan of the Tigers, but this one is one of the better ones I have read and is a strong contender for the best story in this week's issue. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "How's that for a smashing photo! Ha, ha, ha. Which Gargoyle is which?"

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

It was life and death for Splash when we last saw him. With no air line and both our heroes in the clutches of the octopus, this week's issue had a jumpstart when it came to thrills. The first few pages maintain this frantic action, with Johnny and Splash battling the octopus before Johnny takes control of the situation. Octopus vanquished, he puts his diving skills to use, giving Splash his own air supply before heading to the surface. These pages are just as good as the previous week, and even though I have my doubts about Johnny's diving ability, there is no denying that it was page-turning action the whole time they were underwater. We return to the surface, where even on the remote desert island, it is Christmas time, and this sets up for another Christmas toast and more party hats. I love that they are maintaining this Christmas spirit throughout the issue while maintaining the momentum of the story. Another strong issue from Johnny Cougar, and his strip remains one of the most consistent of Tiger comic in general. 

Rating: 8/10

Best Line:  "Do not worry, little penguin...we have made a hat for you!"

Tallon Of The Track

I have been enjoying the current storyline of Tallon Of The Track, but I am left disappointed in the way it finishes this week. I'm disappointed for two reasons. Firstly, the fact it's finishing. I know there are plenty more stories with Jo Tallon to come, but I have enjoyed this storyline every step of the way, and it is with a heavy heart that I turn the page to find its ending. The second reason is that it seems to wrap up all too fast. The villain that Dave and Jo captured last week is very loose-lipped and reveals the whole plot in three panels as he explains the gold they're after, where it's hidden and the fact that his accomplice is on the way now to get it. I'm saddened to see the story cheapened like this, but my heart lifts as Jo takes to her bike and we have her once again smashing through a door to save the day. I should have tallied up the number of times she has smashed through doors in this story, but that moment has passed; perhaps I'll do it next time. With the criminals behind bars, there's only one thing left to do - have a Christmas party on bikes!

Best line:  "There's a car parked outside my room! That thug must be inside - well, he's in for a shock!"

Rating: 7/10

Skid Solo

Skid Solo gives us our first purely Christmas story with hijinks aplenty as Sandy and Sparrow seek the perfect gift for Skid. In a humorous tale, they sell their vintage car to pay for some trophy cabinets for Skid, but the story comes full circle as Skid sells his trophy collection to buy a vintage car for the lads. Nothing too taxing here, and it is pure fun all the way as Sandy and Sparrow speed around the roads as the story unfolds. I like that it stays strictly on theme with its Christmas story, and both parties prove very generous with their choice of gifts. It's not Skid Solo the racing driver, but Skid Solo the man who is revealed here, and for a Christmas story, this works well. Whileit's  not a classic Skid story, I find myself reading it with a smile and rating it highly.  

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line:  "Secret shopping! It's no any business o' yours, mon!

Football Family Robinson 

Starve the crows; it's all about the Aussies in this week's Football Family Robinson with the arrival of Digger and his mysterious friend, "Bluey." We don't have to wait long for this mystery to be lifted; Bluey is a kangaroo. No real surprise there, of course; every dinkum Aussie has a kangaroo for a friend. Bluey looks like he will be causing trouble in the coming weeks, but for now, we are content just to be introduced while Digger is put through his paces as a goalkeeper on the field. There's not much happening in this issue, but we are well set up for the next few weeks, and with these two characters in the fold, there is plenty of scope for spills and thrills in future. I'm not even going to mention the Christmas dinner, but it is one of the best panels in the issue. 

Rating: 5.5/10

Best line:  "Sorry Sport. I should have warned yer. Bluey gets annoyed if he thinks anyone is attacking me. His tail packs quite a wallop.."

 A Horse Called Ugly

The first few panels of A Horse Called Ugly are fantastic. I have constantly been impressed by the artwork in this story, and here is more of the same as we see Joe in dire straights crossing a river, hands bound, as the bandits shoot at him. You would think that things couldn't get much worse, but indeed they do for poor old Joe as an alligator comes into the frame. It turns out that the bandits weren't shooting at Joe, but rather at this alligator. This is one of the best sequences in this week's comic, and although the story has a Christmas ending, it is this first half page that sticks in my mind. It would be easy to dislike this story, but it has a unique charm to it, and even though I don't like horses (or even Joe) very much, I still find myself quietly looking forward to seeing what happens week after week. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "Yikes! So that's what Lopez was firing alligator!" 

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

Best Line:  "A Kangaroo!"

Best Panel:

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Tiger 27th March 1976

"Can they do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke?"     -Andy Grey This week, Billy's Boots answers that question with Billy...