The last issue of Tiger I read had a fantastic cliffhanger that I have been thinking about all week.
Roy of The Rovers has been shot.
In 1973.
Why weren't more people talking about this?
I need to know more. But first, there's a Skid Solo story for me to negotiate.
3 November 1973
Skid Solo
The cover showing a vehicle crashing through a barrier while the driver jumps out is slightly misleading. It's only when one reads on that it's revealed that it's not Skid himself, but rather a film of another driver. As the caption says, Skid is called in on many different projects, and this week, he's investigating what caused the accident. The story is well told, although I am disappointed with the final reveal. It can easily be summed up as nice rather than dramatic. Still, it is unexpected, and I enjoy that aspect. The art, as always, is of the highest standard, and I especially enjoyed the first page. Skid is still one of my favorite characters, even if his stories don't always give me what I want.
Rating: 4.5/10
Best line: "This Solo is a good man! He knows his job!"
Roy Of The Rovers
Last week's Roy of the Rovers promised so much, and I'm bitterly disappointed to report that all the drama is instantly let out of the story as Roy is seen beside the field in the first panel. Tension, drama, and anticipation are all wasted as we see Roy pitch side with a walking stick. The shooting incident is skimmed over in the story, a single panel of Roy explaining to the Melchester bench what happened. However, Jumbo Tridgeon can't so easily move on, and it affects his play throughout the game until Roy gives him some advice about the Holverton centre-back. This led to Jumbo scoring the match-winning goal. In the final panel, it is revealed that the drama back at Pudley Village is not yet over, and Colonel Chadwick has another demonstration organised. I feel badly let down by Roy Of The Rovers this week. The finish last week was so exciting, but this week, there is no pay-off at all, and the story barely touches on Roy's shooting. A great opportunity lost I think, and I'm sure that if Roy is ever shot again, a lot more will be made of it. Last week, I rated this story a nine, unfortunately, this week doesn't even come close to those heights.
Rating: 4/10
Best Line: "He's starting to turn, by Jove! If Roy is right, all I've got to do is keep going!"
Martin's Marvellous Mini
A helicopter with a flamethrower was a great way to end last week's Martin's Marvellous Mini and an equally great way to start this week's issue. Driving into the woods, Martin and Tiny seek to evade their airborne foe, and Tiny concocts a scheme to shoot down the helicopter. Using towropes, pine trees, and a boulder, they fling the boulder at the helicopter, hitting it the first time and making good their escape. Back on the treasure hunt, they discover the road they seek has an East and West and heading to Convitch Road West, they find a vacant lot where we leave the, looking for their treasure. Another solid issue this week, and the inventive way they shoot down the helicopter dominates the first half of the story. This is the best part of the story, although knocking a helicopter out of the sky does seem reckless and life-endangering. After the slow start of the first two stories, I feel re-energised by the appearance of Martin's Marvellous Mini, and I'm feeling all the more positive about the rest of this issue.
Rating: 7/10
Best line: "I saw this done on television"
The Tigers
In the afterglow of Martin's Marvellous Mini, I feel much happier with this week's The Tigers. Basking in the reflective glory of the previous story. This week, Chunky continues his good luck in the world of angling, first capturing a fish with his stool, before pulling a boot from the water- also containing a fish! This luck continues to his final fish, as he accidentally throws Ron the water the fish jump clear and straight onto his line. Normally, this would raise a smile, but I'm in a good mood, and several parts of the story have me grinning like a fool. Even the "Grotty grapefruit" line has me nodding appreciatively. Was it because of its esteemed company, or is it because Chunky has won me over? I don't know, but I'm rating this week's issue higher than I perhaps should.
Rating: 6.5/10
Best line: "Grotty grapefruit"
A Horse Called Ugly
When we last left Joe and Ugly, they were watching on while Julian Carr's horse took fright and got tangled in brambles. That is resolved early on this week, as Joe and Ugly ride in and lead the horse to safety. The rest of the story concerns the treatment of the horse for a competition in a week's time. With Joe taking charge of the rehabilitation, the problem is how to exercise a lame horse. We don't find out in this issue, and like Angela, we follow Joe to see what he will do next. I found this an improvement on last week's issue, and the conflict between Joe and Julian Carr is the real draw of the story rather than the horses themselves. I am curious to see how this plays out, even if I don't particularly care how they go about treating the horse. Not a great issue, but it's better than last week and enough here to call me back for next time around.
Rating: 5/10
Best line: "Rubbish! How can you exercise a lame horse?"
Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton
We were promised the fight of the century, and this week, we get to see if it lives up to the hype. With a build-up stretching several weeks, now is the time for the payoff as Johnny finally confronts Tovaritch in the ring. I can confirm that the story lives up to its billing as on the first page we see Tovaritch offering Johnny a free shot with a forearm smash, an offer that Johnny takes up, but alas to no success. Tovaritch is indeed as tough as he promised. When he retaliates, both the reader and Johnny realize that this is going to be one of the toughest opponents he has ever faced. The action heats up from this initial exchange, with both wrestlers exchanging heavy blows before Tovaritch manages the first pinfall. The story has been simmering nicely for several weeks now, and as it begins to boil over this issue, I am more than satisfied. There is some excellent in-ring action, and the artwork does it justice as we see Johnny give a flying headbutt before being thrown from the ring. This is easily the story of the week, and I could choose any number of panels as a favorite. This is the Johnny Cougar I know and love, and the story I've been waiting to see.
Rating: 9/10
Best Line: "Old Seminole saying: 'bigger they are, heap harder they fall'"
Football Family Robinson
Last week, things slowed down for Football Family Robinson as they played Harfield. With rogue Brystone fans appearing to boo Alf at every opportunity, it looks as though the Robinson family may struggle against this team. But Alf puts his recent problems behind him and plays a blinder, leading the team to a 3-0 victory. There is further positive news as Viv's boyfriend appears to have found further information that proves Alf's innocence in the Rodney Bull bashing. Things take a turn on the final page, though; just as Viv and Kevin arrive at the newspaper office, they find it on fire. Great to see this story accelerate again, and the drama of the last page has me rubbing my hands in anticipation. I'm also pleased to report that Viv gets plenty of page space. I used to be ambivalent towards Football Family Robinson, but that is changing with every issue.
Rating: 6.5/10
Best line: "It's disgraceful! Alf is booed every time he goes near the ball"
Tallon Of the Track
Last week, it was revealed that Tallon Of the Track was in fact Jo Tallon. Much more is revealed this week; not only do we meet the feisty Jo Tallon properly, but we also learn her entire back story, including some information that looks like it will be driving the story in the future. Jo Tallon is not only a fantastic rider but also the daughter of the ex-middleweight boxing champion of Britain, "Tiger" Tallon. It seems Tiger is wrongly jailed for gold smuggling, and Jo is seeking money to free him. There is more to this story, though, as we see on the final page two sinister characters in a car observing the meeting and planning a future accident for Miss Tallon. There is a lot of exposition in this week's story, but it all feels essential and is setting up the action for the coming weeks. I don't mind it too much. I can already see we'll have an immediate payoff next week, and the story moves in this new direction. Last week's issue was great, and this week's is very good. This story will become a mainstay of Tiger, I'm sure.
Rating: 7/10
Best line: "Maybe you don't know it, but this cat's got claws!"
Issue final ratings:
Overall: 7/10
Best Story: Johnny Cougar
Best Line: Tovaritch - "Your previous opponents must have been paper men! "
Best Panel:
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