Sunday, May 29, 2022

Tiger 13th October 1973

 This week Tiger offers the stars of British sport super sports wheel. As enticing as that sounds, I'm more interested in the stories within, so thanks for the offer, Tiger, but I'll just stick with the stories! 


13 October 1973

Roy Of The Rovers

Putting the jinxed kit storyline behind them, Roy Of The Rovers picks up a new direction as Roy and his striker Jumbo Trudgeon run rings around Kingsbay. Jumbo shows some great sportsmanship early on when roughly tackled by an opposition player but confesses to Roy that he has something trouble on his mind. That trouble is revealed later in the strip when a group of protestors behind the goal throw an egg at Jumbo, and one of them clambers over the hoardings to attack him. This story is immediately better than the jinxed kit, and it's great to see 
millionaire Jumbo on centre stage. Not too much is given away yet, the protesters are angry at Jumbo, but we don't know why asides from some of their banners, one which proclaims "save our village" Intrigue and action, things are looking good for the next few weeks, and although this isn't the most exciting episode of Roy Of The Rovers, one can see that the potential is there for the coming weeks.  

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best Line: "Quite right! It looked much worse than it was! Don't let's punish the fellow for a bit of over-enthusiasm" 

Tallon Of the Track

New story alert! Taking over  Charlie Champ's War is a new strip - Tallon Of the Track. This is much more to my taste, a strip about speedway, and in particular, the 'Flying Ospreys" team has my senses tingling. The first page bodes well, with crisp, clean artwork that appeals to my eye and fine-looking motorcycle action. I have already bought into the story before we have even begun. Ospreys captain David Trent is out injured and musing on the need for a new colourful rider to inject some luck into the team. As luck would have it, he sees just such a rider at a local county show. This rider jumps twenty-four flaming barrels and makes a superb landing. David thinks he's found the perfect rider for his team and calls out, only for the rider to accelerate straight at him in the final panel. We don't know a lot about this story yet, but as I said above, I am totally sold on this concept, and this issue of Tiger has already gone up in my estimation based on this story alone. A solid start; next week, I look forward to learning more. 

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line:  "Huh? The fool's accelerated! He's driving straight at me!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

A fresh start in Martin's Marvellous Mini this week, and the boys are back to square one as they advertise their services to anyone who might be interested. The only people who answer the advertisement are two old ladies who offer Tiny and Martin a share of a hidden treasure -if they can find it! Armed with a clue, they head off for Tower Bridge, only to be run off the road by a couple of thugs who threaten them with a gun and demand the clue. I enjoyed last week's finale, but this new story is something else, and like the previous Tallon of the Track, I am engrossed in it even two pages in. If the story continues at this rate, I will be a very happy man indeed. Great stuff, and I can see it will only get better.           

 Rating: 8/10

Best line: "They've scratched George's lovely paintwork!"

The Tigers

The most improved story goes to The Tigers and the woeful Chunky Clark. His misadventures have mostly misfired for me, but this week's angling story has me laughing and feeling empathy with Chunky.  With second-rate gear, Chunky practices his angling, while the other Tigers fret about him being the laughingstock at the contest. After snaring his rival Ron Burton and throwing him in the river, the story evolves to Chunky being adrift in a boat heading towards a weir while Ron Burton looks on, helpless. Nice to see Ron portrayed as someone who has a sense of right, as he worries about Chunky and the weir. Again, the artwork is of a high standard with crisp, clear lines that serve the story well. Even when the story is busy, the artwork never is. I wasn't a fan of The Tigers in the first few issues, but Chunky Clark and his boys are slowly winning me over, 

 Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Yahoo! I've caught something! It feels like a whopper.." 

A Horse Called Ugly

Well, A Horse Called Ugly has finally arrived in South America, but he still isn't happy. Despite everything laid on for Joe and Ugly, neither one of them feels comfortable in these new surroundings. Not a lot happened in this issue: they arrived, Ugly was playing up, Joe was unhappy, and in the final panel, he says it isn't their scene and he wants to go home. But my biggest problem isn't that lack of action, but rather the very first lines of the story. "The team was to compete in South America. Soon after their arrival in that country.." Now, I'm no expert, but I'm confident that South America isn't a country; it's a continent. They could be in any number of countries. It's a vague description of where they are and seems careless. I can't get over this line as I read the rest of the story, and I possibly would have rated it higher if they cleaned this up.  

 Rating: 4/10

Best line:  "Joe's only happy when he knows Ugly's happy" 

Football Family Robinson 

 Ahh, Football Family Robinson and my girl, Viv. Unfortunately, Viv doesn't feature much this week, and the new storyline features Alf Robinson and his struggles against opposing player Rodney Bull. Rodney Bull is a hard man and pushes Alf too far in the match, Alf eventually snapping and punching him. Alf is sent off, only to see Rodney get to his feet laughing. At the Robinson dinner after, Alf admits he shouldn't have retaliated. Later that night, he takes a shortcut home down an alleyway, where he finds the unconscious Rodney Bull. A bystander accuses Alf of having a hand in it just as the police arrive. This is another strip that I was slow to warm to, but this issue has me intrigued, and I find myself already thinking ahead to next week. Another story with a solid start. I expect next week will be more of the same, and maybe a little more Viv?       

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "Look at Bull - he only pretended to be hurt. He's laughing all over his face now that he's managed to get Alf sent off"

Skid Solo

With the race season behind him, we get a tightly written single story for Skid Solo this week. Skid and Sparrow are attending race meetings around America and this week, are racing in a sports car event - finishing one, two, naturally. After the race, Skid tells the story of Paul James the second, whose son they had raced against earlier in the day. Paul James the second was so called because he finished second throughout his career; he could never quite win the victory. In the final race of his career, he was winning but stopped letting another car pass him so he wouldn't sully his reputation. Skid tells Sandy that Paul's son is also called Paul, and Sparrow jokes he will be Paul the third. Sandy asked how he did today, and Skid tells us that he came....third. Not the funniest joke in the world, and they did take the whole strip to reach the punch line, but I still enjoyed it for what it is. The story moved at a good pace, there was nice race action, and I enjoyed the easy way the main characters interacted. Good but not great.   

Rating: 5/10

Best line:  "He was third!" 

 Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

We get some much-needed grip-and-grapple action this week in Johnny Cougar, and after the previous wrestling-free weeks, I'm glad to see it. Starting the story with a flying dropkick, we are in the heat of the action as Johnny takes on The Mexican. As the match finishes with Johhny throwing his opponent out of the ring with an Irish whip, we are transported to Central Europe where the Great Tovaritch reads of his exploits. Vowing to beat Johnny, he travels to London and confronts Johnny and Splash in a hotel restaurant, where the story ends this week with Splash thrown into the dessert table. While this particular issue isn't great, the story looks like it may have the potential to be quite exciting in the coming weeks. Another big man taking on Johnny is the bread and butter of this story, and one can't go too far wrong with a basic wrestling storyline. Roll on next week, and we'll see where this story takes us. 

Rating: 5/10

Best Line:  "Someone make heap big noise at hotel entrance."

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Martin's Marvellous Mini

Best Line: Kingsbay - "There's nothing polite about his shooting!"

Best Panel:

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Tiger 27th March 1976

"Can they do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke?"     -Andy Grey This week, Billy's Boots answers that question with Billy...