Saturday, August 24, 2024

Tiger 4th October 1975

 Happy twenty-first anniversary Roy Race! Today's issue, dated 4th October 1975, marks the twenty-first anniversary of Roy Of The Rovers, while this year, 2024 marks the the seventieth anniversary. A better man would have synced his blog to the date and month of the comic, but anyone who reads regularly knows that this is done for the love of the comic, and is mostly done for my own pleasure. That said, I'll take on any new readers who happen to stop by, and all are welcome to share in my love of the Tiger comic. Roy's celebration is of its era, and we have some of the sporting stars of 1975 dropping by to wish him all the best. Here in 2024, I'm wondering who will make an effort to celebrate his seventieth -  you can guarantee I will be! 

4th October 1975

Roy Of The Rovers

The cover of this week's issue celebrates a very important anniversary - twenty-one years since Roy Of The Rovers first appeared in Tiger comic. Given that this year is the seventieth anniversary of the same event, it resonates nicely with how I feel about the comic and the stories within today. 

Running onto the field Roy finds a surprise waiting for him. Dickie Davies from ITV is present to host a reel of Roy's finest moments. These highlights are projected onto a screen set up on the field and we are treated to a replay of Roy's first goal for the 'A' team back in 1954, followed by his goal in the cup final in 1974. 

Cricketer Tony Greig delivers a personal message congratulating Roy before we see another highlight - Roy winning the F.A. Cup in 1966, an auspicious year in English football. 

The story follows on in this vein, with messages from Malcolm McDonald and England team manager Don Revie, before the Tiger editor himself appears to thank Roy for his services to football. 

After all this bonhomie, the strip ends with a panel dedicated to Roy's anniversary game, with Roy heading the winning goal. 

This was a pleasant enough story, and while I greatly appreciated the celebration of Roy's twenty-one years,  it did divert us away from the recent story of his conflict with Duncan McKay. The highlights were presented innovatively, and I smiled at the way Roy has changed over the years. The best part of the story for me was the simple line when he commented on the way his hairstyle had changed, and I was reminded of the way my own hairstyle has changed over the years (and is now non-existent). Here in 2024, we are still a month away from Roy's 70th anniversary, and perhaps I shall revisit this comic to celebrate the moment. Roy's first twenty-one years were a low-key celebration, and I'm sure we can do better for his 70 years.

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "I sure do, Dickie! I'd been injured for a lot of the match! That was before we had substitutes! And dig my crazy haircut!" 

Tornado Jones

Aussie stuntman Tornado Jones is on his way to Wembley Stadium, where he intends to be fired from a cannon and over the stadium. 

Calling a press conference at the stadium, he announces his plan, and that he will test the cannon the next day. 

The following day, with a group of reports in tow, Tornado Jones climbs into the cannon and prepares himself to be fired across a field and into a net This test goes well, and Jones lands in the middle of the net, although we end with a dramatic moment as it is pointed out that his clothes are on fire.

Roy of the Rovers didn't give me much to sink my teeth into, and neither does Tornado Jones. An announcement to the press, and being fired from the cannon didn't match the drama of our previous encounters with Tornado, and even with his clothes on fire this didn't become the page-turner it should have been. The final panel didn't emphasize the fact he was on fire, and the flames looked small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Obviously, we can't show people fully aflame in a comic aimed at young boys, and perhaps another fate could have befallen poor Tornado to provide some jeopardy. I find myself enjoying the character Tornado Jones, and I hope the story will ramp up in the coming weeks and provide a strong story to serve the character. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Joe, you know that and I know that...let's just hope the cannon knows that!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Martin and Tiny are racing in a twenty-four race, with Tiny about to take his turn at driving, although he's almost out on his feet already after having a terrible sleep. 

His second stint starts badly with him driving the wrong way, but he recovers quickly and is soon pointing in the right direction. A relieved Martin can do nothing more and heads off to get some sleep himself. 

Returning to the race several hours later, Martin learns that Tiny has done well, and they still have a handy lead. He isn't so happy when he sees Tiny drive by with damaged panels on the car, but it is explained to him that there was a bad accident with a pole falling onto the track. Many cars crashed out of the race, but Tiny managed to drive through some trees and back onto the track with only a few dented panels to show for it. 

Martin congratulates him as he takes the wheel, and with a good lead the boys are already dreaming of victory and a trip to Hawaii. Tiny can already see the hula girls in his head when there is an announcement at the track that Martin has stopped with half a lap still to go. 

No real surprises here and the very best panels were saved for last when we saw Tiny's facial expression change. The race looked good, and the story told of Tiny's drive was nicely laid out. The only downside for me is it went as expected, and even Tiny's drive through the trees had a predictable outcome. This is unusual for Martin's Marvellous Mini as they usually throw in a few surprises to wrong-foot me. The very final panel had this, but by then I had already condemned this to average. Average for Martin's Marvellous Mini is above average compared to most stips in the comic, and I have given it a seven out of ten, although I know it can be a lot better than this. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Stone me! What's happened to George...he's bashed about a bit!" 


Nipper is playing for the reserves after Danny Marvin caused him to be late for training and refused to own up to it. Nipper is furious, and before the game, he makes it clear that he will make the opposition suffer. 

This is heard by some of the opposing players who take it as Nipper thinking he is too good for them. They decide that they will take Nipper down a peg or two, and as the game begins there is bad feeling all around. 

Nipper is lined up for a heavy tackle, but he evades his man with some silky footwork, before neatly chipping the keeper for a goal. This leads to angry words between the players involved, and Nipper finds himself a marked man for the rest of the match. 

The referee becomes involved and warns all the players, especially Nipper. This plays into the hands of the opposition, and the next time there is an incident, one of the players feigns Nipper pushing him and Nipper earns a yellow card. 

A few minutes later Nipper leaps for a header, and the opposing player crumples to the ground clutching his ribs - insinuating that Nipper has kicked him. With the referee approaching it seems Nipper might be about to earn his second yellow card, but we will have to wait until next week to find out. 

I have always said that angry Nipper is the best Nipper, and we had that in spades this week as Nipper was glaring and yelling in almost every other panel. Seeing this backfiring on him, and the opposition playing to his weakness was clever. Normally I find myself sympathising with Nipper, but surprisingly not in this case. The fifty-year-old me is thinking "Yeah, the referee is right, cool it, Nipper". I am sure he will learn his lesson, and play with a level head, but for now, the other team are playing smarter. This story is the opposite of Martin's Marvellous Mini, and I have rated it lower although I enjoyed it more. Martin's Marvellous Mini always has the advantage of being in colour, and it is only in this comparison that Nipper suffers. The artwork again looks great on my big screen, and I can only wish that comics could have been even bigger in the seventies and eighties. Perhaps that is again the fifty-year-old me speaking... 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Stone Me! This must be 'clobber Nipper Lawrence' week!"

Skid Solo

It's the final race of the season, at Watkins Glen, USA, and Skid needs to win the Grand Prix to win the driver's championship. 

A determined Skid stakes to the track, and after avoiding an early pile-up, he is soon pushing the other two drivers at the top of the driver's table out in front. 

With five laps to go, all three are still inseparable, and with three laps left, Sandy lets Skid know that there are three seconds between them and it's now or never. Skid makes his move and pushing his car to the absolute limit he makes his way past the other two drivers,. It looks as though he might have overdone it, and there is a hairy moment as he goes into the corner, but manages to keep control of his car and stay on the track. 

The drama doesn't end there, and halfway around the last lap, his engine begins to blow smoke. It looks as though he has cooked it, yet he manages to hold onto this to his, and in a three-way finish he takes the victory and the driver's championship. 

A simple handshake with Sandy and the comment that he couldn't have done it without him is how the story ends, and the 1975 season comes to a close with Skid Solo once again champion. 

A soft end to a dramatic and fitting finale to the season. A handshake and a thanks? Come on Skid, you've just won the big one, show some emotion! Still, this is 1975 when men were men, and I was two years old. This race had everything you could have asked for. Close racing, a crash early on, engine failure, and Skid winning by a whisker. It has been an odd racing season, and it's only been in the last four races that Skid made his run for the championship. A lot of this season was dominated by the arrival of young Tommy, and surprisingly he doesn't appear in this issue at all. After all he has been through with Skid and Sandy this year, I thought he may have made even a brief appearance, but instead, he is nowhere to be found. With the season over, thoughts are already turning to the next season. Before all that though we will have a string of one-off races, experimental cars, and Skid driving around the world to fill the months between. I can't say I'm excited, although I do love Skid Solo, as for me this strip will always be about the race season. Still, I'm sure there will be an odd gem or two hidden in there, and the only way to find out is to read on. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "No hanging around today, Sandy. If I'm going to be World Champion...I've got to drive like one!"

Billy's Boots

Billy was dropped from his school team for showing off. Given a second chance, he was picked for an away game, only to miss the coach and have to cycle through the rain to make it. Again, his luck took a turn as the match was cancelled, although Mister Renton is furious that Billy missed the coach. 

Mister Renton has already gone, and Billy is told to put his bike on the roof of the coach and to get onboard for the ride home. As they drive home the weather clears, and the boys ask the driver to stop so they can have a kick around at the park. A five-a-side game ensues and soon the boys are splashing around on the soaked pitch. 

Things come to a muddy end as Billy kicks the ball and accidentally hits the park keeper who has suddenly appeared on the sideline. The park-keeper recognises Billy immediately and tells him that the park is closed and a notice is up. Despite Billy's claims of not seeing the notice the groundskeeper remains adamant and tells them that Groundwood School will pay to clean his suit. 

Sure enough, on Monday morning Billy is called into Mister Rentons office and held accountable for missing the coach, playing in the closed park, and kicking the ball at the park keeper. The end result is that he must pay to have the parkkeeper's suit cleaned, and worse yet, he is banned from the school team for the rest of the year. 

Billy's pals rally around him, telling him it's not fair and that they'll support him. A chant of "Strike, strike strike!" goes up, only for the headmaster to appear at the window and once again the boys find themselves in trouble. 

On the back of last week's fantastic episode, this week ramped things up and we saw Billy take the fall for all the things that had been building up. While it didn't offer the same dramatic panels as we saw last week, there was still plenty here to enjoy, and once again it was the pained expressions of Billy that caught my attention. I have often complained that Billy appears as the whiny annoying type, and while that may certainly be true, this week it was the expressions of the boy that carried this thought rather than his words. This worked better for me and I found the character more sympathetic as the story showed rather told. We have plenty more drama in store, and this season is proving to be a cracker as far as storylines go, I am well and truly hooked. With a furious headmaster in the final panel, Billy's troubles are just starting and right now it seems all the world is against him. All except his band of friends that is, and I hope the story leans into this comradeship in the coming weeks 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "I know're Billy Dane. I've seen you before! And you shouldn't be in here...none of you should! The recreation ground's closed...there's a notice up!"

Johnny Cougar

Splash Gorton needs to recruit the service of Hardy Steele in an attempt to lure Johnny Cougar back to the ring. However, not only is Steele a dirty fighter, but he also wants nothing to do with Splash's scheme. 

Splash's second encounter with Steele seems equally futile until Spalsh mentions the publicity Steele would gain from such an event. This draws some interest from Steele and he agrees to Splash's plan. 

Over the page, and the old pair of Splash and Steele approach Cougar's Indian camp where he has secluded himself. While Steele remains out of sight, Splash approaches Cougar, and once again he gets a frosty reception. However, Splash pulls out a movie he has brought with him, and setting up a projector he shows Cougar the previous encounter between Steele and Cougar. 

Cougar remembers the fight well, and angrily throws the film aside, telling Splash that he has tried to get revenge for many years, but Steele is too cowardly to face him. At this moment Steele appears and tells Cougar that he is ready to wrestle him, just name a time and place.

Finally, we have arrived at a moment where it seems Cougar may finally step back into the ring. It has taken some time to get here, and even this issue didn't provide a lot of drama. It was a low-key journey from A to B, and the only drama was in the opening panels as Splash met with Steele. once this meeting was initiated, everything else went as smoothly as it could, with Steele readily agreeing once Splash explained himself. Splash seems to have manipulated Cougar nicely, and I have no doubt that next week Cougar will take up the challenge of a fight. The artwork is always one of the best things about this strip, and it feels like the last few weeks have been a waste of such talent as there was only one wrestling match, sands Johnny, and everything else was devoted to following Cougar around the countryside and his campsite. Give me impactful images of big men throwing each other around the ring and I shall be very happy. Cougar talking to Splash at a campsite, not so much.   

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "Publicity! That's something I'd do anything for! Maybe you're right..."

Hot Shot Hamish 

Hamish has caused a scuffle at the market, and now with a gang of toughs arriving it looks like he is in a sticky situation. However, this is defused quickly in the first panel as Hamish leaves the market and walks home. As he departs, young Alfie promises Hamish that he will recover the items stolen from the Princes Park changing room and get them back to the team.

Alfies pal Tommy thinks he's a mug for making such a promise, but Alfie tells him that he will no longer help him with his dirty work. The next day Alfie turns up early with all the stolen items and starts working hard - whitening the lines of the pitch and playing in a practice match in the afternoon. 

Things are looking up, but Tommy appears, asking Tommy where the gate takings are kept and telling him there's a lot of money to be made if there's a big crowd. Alfie reiterates that he will not help Tommy in any capacity, and continues with his work for Princes Park. 

In the practice game that afternoon, Hamish and Alfie combine well, with each scoring a goal assisted by the other, Mister McWhacker is suitably impressed and tells Hamis that they will play Alfie in the next game. Since he and Hamish have a good relationship Hamish is the one to tell Alfie. Alfie is happy with the prospect of making it to the big league, although in his head he has concerns that Tommy may ruin things for him with his thieving ways. 

A step down from the previous week, I was most disappointed that the potential fight between Hamish and Big Jackie and his brothers came to nothing. It looked like a certain thing on the last panel of last week's issue,l and to see Hamsh just walk away from it with no repercussions this week was a letdown. The story with Alfie is progressing nicely, and we have a good villain in the devious Tommy. Seeing a young lad misled by wayward friends is a familiar story for most, and I can well relate to Alfie's plight, although most of my friends now are too old to be wayward. This was a case of steady as she goes, and despite my earlier disappointments, it was still a solid episode that built on what came before and led us into a wider story that will continue next week. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Och, ye're a fool, Alfie Fancy promising to return the stuff I nicked "

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 6.5/10

Best Story:  Roy Of The Rovers 

Best Line: "But I'm sure many of the grown-ups still find time to read your footballing adventures. All over the world, the name Roy Of The Rovers means something really special!" 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:   

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tiger 27th September 1975

"You shouldn't judge a book by its cover" - My Mum.

Well, sorry Mum, you were wrong. I judged this week's issue of Tiger by the cover and was well rewarded as the dramatic opening image was matched by several more within. Even the more gentle stories still contained magic about them in the artwork work, and I was again enthralled by the craft that goes into these comics. The Premier League kicks off this weekend, and I have just enough time before the first game kicks off to lose myself in these pages and some artwork that is just as thrilling as anything I'll see on the field. 

27th September 1975

Skid Solo

The Skid Solo is on the front cover, and it's a case of another week, another experimental car to test. We are a week out from the deciding Grand Prix and Skid is called upon to test an experimental car, starting by crashing it over the side of a cliff and into the river below.

Two small wings help stabilise the fall, and after sinking to the bottom of the river the car is still drivable. This first test is a success, and Skid is called upon to replicate the test in the sea for the army.

He repeats the routine the next day, driving along the seabed and into the deeper seas. He drives past a sunken Spanish galleon, noting the name Neuvo Campeon. 

Ejecting to the surface, Skid reports what he has seen, and all involved are satisfied. However, Sandy is unhappy that Skid is taking such risks and lets his feelings be known. Skid shrugs it off, telling Sandy that he sees it as a good omen - after all, did he not pay attention to the name of the sunken ship? It was Neuvo Campeon, which translates to "New Champion" 

great opening story and some interesting vehicles initially piqued my interest in this story. It was a shame then that there was no other great dramatic hook within, and I walked away from it feeling fairly ambivalent. We saw Skid test driving an experimental car just three weeks ago as he raced a driverless car, and although this case was quite different, the story still had the same feel. There was no high-stakes sporting drama, and it all felt like a gentle ride. I was taken by the car that Skid was driving, and could not help but notice the comparison to the underwater car driven in the Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me (1977). Interesting that this predated that film by two years, and although Skid Solo is no Bond, it was still a cool moment to see him driving under the sea. Although the story alluded to the season finale next week, it distracts from the championship, and I would have preferred something around the track to hype up the final race of the season. I guess it's down to personal taste, and as enjoyable as this looked on the page, it never rose above mid-level in my eyes.

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Ye're crazy to do this a few days before the most important race o' yere life! What if something goes wrong?"

Roy Of The Rovers

Duncan McKay is off to a stormy start with Melchester Rovers. He's trying to do too much and on the first page, we see him caught out of position, leading to yet another angry exchange with Roy as they come off for halftime. 

The two continue to have cross words, and when Melchester is awarded a corner kick, an exasperated Roy finally loses control. He tells McKay that the keeper will probably punch it clear, and to wait at the edge of the box. This he does, and as the ball comes toward him, Roy makes a left-handed run, calling for the ball as he goes. 

Duncan McKay ignores Roy's calls, and he instead tries a shot himself. He miskicks it, although fortuitously it lands at the feet of Blackiehe scores. Rovers have edged out a win over their lowly-ranked rival, although Roy is annoyed to see the fans crediting Duncan McKay for the victory. Now he will be even harder to handle, and Roy has his work cut out for him in the next few issues.

A lot of panels of an angry-faced Duncan Mckay and Roy Race made this story tense, without strong football action to back it up. It was all about the conflict between these two men, and the story lacked nuance as we hurtled toward the concluding panels. A subplot could have cushioned the blow and I can't help but feel that this week's story was one-dimensional in comparison with some of the other multilayered stories we have previously indulged in. It looks like there is no break in the weather on the horizon, and I fear the next few issues may be more of the same with the strip dominated by Roy and Duncan glaring at each other. I was happy to see the appearance of Duncan McKay in the story, but now I just want to see him bed into the team and become the best player he can be.  

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "They should be eating these second division sides for breakfast! Sort 'em out, Roy!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

After six hours of the twenty-four-hour race, Martin has handed driving duties over to a nervous Tiny. There is nothing more Martin can do but hope that Tiny maintains the lead and he heads off to sleep.

Out on the track, Tiny finds driving at night quite an experience. First, he has trouble with the glare of car lights in his mirrors, and then he comes across a car that has slipped off the track. Towards the end of his shift, he even falls asleep at the wheel, but luckily he recovers just in time.

Tiny hands the car back over to Martin, telling him that he has lost the lead but they are only ten seconds behind. Martin is happy with this and sets out to restore the lead as best he can.

Meanwhile, Tiny struggles to fall asleep. When he finally does, he has a nightmare about driving and finds himself waking up on the floor next to his bed. He gets up and makes his way trackside for his second drive, only to be told he is an hour early. The crew beside the track observe that he is still half asleep, and wonder aloud if he's fit to drive.   

David Sque has done an outstanding job with the art in this week's issue, and I especially commend him for the facial expressions of Tiny. The image of him during his nightmare was evocative, and only matched by the final image of him practically falling asleep on his feet. It gave the strip a lively dimension unmatched anywhere else in the comic, and although it's not my favourite strip this week, it's close.  The car racing wasn't as dramatic as one might expect but it was more than made up for by the drama carried in Tiny's face as he battled his demons and wrestled with his fear of driving. This has laid a solid foundation for next week, and I expect it shall be the same high standard as we storm into October. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Well, there's nothing you could do, if he started to go round in reverse, chum! You'd better go get some'll soon be back behind the wheel!"

Johnny Cougar

Johnny Cougar has told Splash that he is finished with wrestling. Splash is worried about his pal, and has a plan to get him back in the ring. If Splash could just get Hardy Steele to agree to a rematch against Johnny, he is sure that the Indian matman would come out of his self-imposed exile. 

Splash goes to one of Steele's bouts, and over the next couple of pages, we get to see the dirty tricks he gets up to. Not only is he a dirty fighter, but he is mean with it, and this is emphasised again and again in the fight before he is finally disqualified.

In the locker room, Splash approaches Steele and tells him of his plan to get Cougar back into the ring. Steele isn't having a bar of it, telling Splash that he doesn't do favours for anyone. 

Johnny Cougar is again absent in his own comic as the action focuses on Splash and his manoeuvrings. This week was building up the character of Steele, and this was done efficiently through the bout we were shown. We saw that he is a strong character, a dirty fighter, and he has a mean streak that bodes well for any challenge against Johnny. Apart from this introduction, the story didn't progress much as the foundation was laid for the story to be built upon in the coming weeks.  We still have a least one more episode, and possibly more, before Splash wins over Steele, and then Johnny Cougar, from where we stand now it looks like this story may run for quite some time. I wouldn't be surprised if this current storyline wraps up at Christmas, just in time for Johnny to wish everyone a happy new year. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Fighting back, eh? That's naughty..." 

Billy's Boots

Billy has been dropped from the first eleven for showing off, but he has a chance to redeem himself as he comes on as a substitute.

Billy's usual position as centre-forward is taken by Grant, so he takes up a position in midfield. He is stable in this position, getting an interception and a couple of nice passes which begin to win over the sports master. His best moment comes near the end of the game as he gathers a loose ball, and with a long pass up the field, he picks out Jimmy Dawson. Dawson knows what to do and feeds the ball through to Grant who scores the winning goal in the dying moments of the game. 

Mister Renton still has doubts, but Billy is redeemed in the eyes of several near Mister Renton, and he reluctantly agrees to play Billy again in the next game. 

Game day rolls around, and a coach has been laid on to get the Groundwood players to the game. Billy is just setting off to meet the rest of the team when his Gran calls to him. She's sick, and as it's pouring with rain she wants Billy to go get some medicine for her. Billy is desperate to make the coach, but he is unable to say no to his poor old Gran so he dutifully heads off to the chemist. The rain and a long line at the chemist see him missing the coach and Billy is forced to bike to the ground, getting soaked in the process.

It's all for nothing, for when he arrives at the ground he learns that the game has been cancelled. Jimmy Dawson also tells him that he is in big trouble for missing the coach and that he has never seen Mister Renton so angry.

This deserves a higher rating than I gave it, and I think the only thing missing was some on-field action. Billy's magical boots played no part in the story and we instead stayed firmly in the realm of the angsty school boy and his ever-loving Gran. This was executed well on the page, and we had several panels that displayed the full dismay of Billy as the situation was spinning out of his control. Billy riding his bike through the pouring rain was a highlight, but so too were the moments he was with his Gran and being a dutiful Grandson. I think most could relate as Billy did the right thing by his Gran and went to get the medicine, which meant that when he missed the coach there was an element of sympathy for the lad. This draws the reader deeper into the story, and even though it is quite some time since I was a schoolboy, I still felt every ounce of Billy's pain and his situation. It was a highly believable scenario, and one step removed from the magic boots gave it a grounding that it doesn't normally have, making for a top-notch story buried mid-comic. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "I suppose I will have to go myself then. I didn't want to go out in this weather...not with my cough."

Tornado Jones

Arriving in Britain, Australian stunt rider Tornado Jones miss-timed his jump off the ship and crashed his bike into the side of the dock. 

He sinks beneath the waves, and reaching the seabed he finds his foot is caught in the bike. The frog men looking for him can't find him, and it is left to Tornado Jones to save himself, eventually freeing himself and swimming to the surface.

He immediately calls for his second bike, and speaking with the captain he tells him that he will try again. This second attempt is far more successful, and the crowd are suitably impressed when he sticks his landing. 

After a brief line about never giving up, the strip ends with Jones asking to be taken to Wembley Stadium, where he intends to be fired from a cannon. 

Tornado Jones unfolded as expected, and although it didn't offer up any surprises, it did bring the twitch of a smile to my face. There is nothing too serious here, and nothing that grabbed my attention and demanded that I read further. In the simple story of a man jumping his bike, we learn more about the character of Tornado Jones as he insists on completing his stunt. Visually it looked great, and it was the artwork that carried us along more than the plot. I would be happy to look at this art all day, and although the story stayed firmly in second gear I was quite happy with all I saw. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Except for feeling like I've been walked on by a herd of elephants, I'm fine, mate. Now stand back!"

Hot Shot Hamish

On the back of Hamish's recommendation, youngster Alfie McPhee has been offered a month's trial. However, while Alfie was on the pitch, his pal Tommy was nicking everyone's wallets out of the dressing room. And it's not just wallets, he has stolen their clothes and anything not tied down - a whole lorry load.

While Alfie and Tommy drive off, the Princes Park team discover they have been ripped off. While most of the team are worried about what items they have lost, Hamish also has a moment to worry about Alfie and his situation.

He is still concerned about Alfie and later that day he wanders the market with some money he plans to donate to Alfie. However, he stumbles across a stall selling his kilt, bag and jacket, along with a host of other items taken from Princes Park changing room. Hamish is enraged and in a furious moment, he overturns the stall and smashes up the market. 

His rage finishes and suddenly as it starts, and surveying what's left of the market he appears contrite. However, the trouble isn't yet over for the big man, as Big Jackie and his brothers appear, demanding to know what the fuss is about and threatening to thump Hamish.   

We saw the full range of Hamish in this week's strip, and I am reminded why I like this character so much. His heart is always in the right place, and even when he is angrily smashing things it is always for the right reasons. The panels of Hamish smashing up the market dominated this week's comic, but it was a quiet panel near the end of the story that caught my attention. Big Jackie and his approaching brothers had a quiet menace about it, and Hamish naively has no idea what is about to unfold. It said a lot, and although it's not my favourite panel in the story, it was the most essential. As always with Hot Shot Hamish, the plot is secondary to the interaction of the characters, and this was a fine example of that as Hamish the gentle giant, looked after the less able in his team. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "When I find the mon responsible for this, McBrain...he'll pay dearly. It's a cowardly trick to play on our footballers."


Nipper is furious with his teammate Danny Marvin for not owning up to the accident that made Nipper late for training, and things are about to come to a head as Nipper storms onto the training pitch to confront Marvin. 

Nipper is left fuming as Marvin denies any accident, telling the other players that Nipper is just angry because Marvin has taken his place in the team. There is nothing that Nipper can do, and he resigns himself to his fate, returning to Andy Stewart's office just as he puts up the team sheet, with Nipper destined to play for the reserves. 

The one good thing in Nipper's life is his girlfriend Kerry, and it is her that he turns to now for comfort. Kerry listens patiently to Nipper's problems, before telling him to persevere, after all, class will show through in the end. 

Later Nipper arrives at the reserves game, where all the team give him a hard time about what has happened. Nipper is steaming at this and by the time they take the field, he is at boiling point and about to erupt. 

A little peep behind the curtain here. Normally I write this blog on my battered old laptop, but because of the way things panned out this week, I ended up using my desktop for the final story, Nipper. On a larger screen, the art looked sensational, and after being lowkey about the art in Nipper previously, this was a revelation. The detail jumped out at me, and the scenes of Nipper and Kerry made it all the more intimate. The milk bar panel was a highlight, but it was only the first of three excellent panels which were the highlight for me. The following panel of the couple walking down the street was equally affecting, and it was all capped off by the close-up of Kerry's face as she encouraged Nipper to keep going. It would have been my panel of the comic, had my heart not already been swayed by the image of Billy riding his bike in the rain in Billy's Boots. My love affair with this art (and Kerry!) greatly influenced my feelings about Nipper this week, and although I don't care much about the shenanigans of Danny Marvin, I loved digesting every panel. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "There's nothing to own up about! Lawrence is just narked because I've pinched his place in the first team!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story:  Billy's Boots 

Best Line: "GRRRRRR! I'm fed up! I've had my clothes pinched... and I'm no' standing for ye lot throwing things at me!" 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tiger 20th September 1975

It's all Messi's fault. 

I thought I had plenty of time to finish today's post before I headed down to the pub to discuss fantasy football with some friends. However, seeing Billy Dane scoring a Messi-esque goal with a backheel sent me into the wilds of the internet to find a comparable picture. Several hours later, and about a hundred YouTube clips, I made it back here only to realise my time was rapidly running out. I'm not complaining too much, anytime spent in the company of genius is worth it, but after watching peak Messi it was a comedown to read about Billy Dane and his friends. Billy may have scored a beautiful goal, but he still has a long way to go to reach the heights of Messi. Still, it does have those magical boots.... 


20th September 1975

Johnny Cougar

The mystery of Johnny Cougar continues this week the story opens with Splash watching him ride off on a horse. Splash is still in the dark about Johnny's strange mood and disappearance, and secretly following Cougar on a bike, he is hoping to get some answers.

It's a rough ride, and after following the trail of hoof marks through the woods, Splash comes across a teepee and a horse grazing nearby. Cougar is camping out Indian style, and Splash decides to sneak a little closer to see what it's all about. 

However, Johnny is one step ahead and has set up an early warning system, which of course Splash unwittingly stumbles into. 

Johnny is on him in a flash, but after realising it's only Splash he lowers his fists. The situation isn't entirely defused, and Johnny angrily tells Splash that he just wants to be left alone. He was tired of everyone, tired of wrestling, and tired of wrestlers cheating. He is done with the whole scene and just wants to be left in peace. 

Splash rides away, but is still determined to get Johnny back into the ring. A seed of an idea is germinated as he rides off - he will attempt to organise a match against Hardy Steele, a wrestler who beat Johnny unfairly many years ago and a wrestler that Johnny has always wanted to meet in a rematch. 

If a wrestler doesn't wrestle, is he a wrestler? That thought danced in the back of my mind for the majority of this week's strip. The story remains intriguing, and in the final panels, we see wrestling on the horizon. However, my interest always falters when Cougar is away from the ring, and as curious as I was about his whereabouts, it wasn't quite enough to compensate for the lack of wrestling. Obviously, that will change soon enough, but first, we need to set up this back story to motivate Cougar to get back to what he does best. I did enjoy seeing Johnny Cougar on the front cover, and he always looks bigger and stronger in colour. His horse also seemed particularly muscular, although its legs were foreshortened in the first panel, and it did look like Cougar was riding a miniature pony, albeit a very strong one. The story is beginning to emerge from the mists of the last couple of weeks, and next week should see things leap forward as Splash hopefully signs both Cougar and Steele to a fight. I look forward to some clarity and hopefully some heavy-handed in-ring action. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Cougar heap sick of the world! Sick of meeting matmen who do not fight fair. Sick of tensions and trouble! No longer wish to be a wrestler! Cougar live here in peace"

Tornado Jones

How exciting, a new story this week. Tornado Jones is an Australian stunt rider, and a British boy reading of his exploits in the newspaper is our first introduction to him. He is in the paper having failed to jump the Sydney Harbour Bridge, hardly an auspicious start.

A few panels on, we meet Tornado Jones proper as he is pulled from Sydney Harbour. With his latest stunt a disaster, he decides that everything in Australia is just too big, and he is considering trying his luck in Britain, where everything is smaller. 

In a nod to the times in which this story is written, he sails to Britain aboard an ocean liner, and we pick up the story with him just about to arrive in Southhampton. He decides to impress the local crowd with a display of his prowess on the bike and arranges with the Captain to jump his bike from the deck to the dock thirty feet away. 

Tornado Jones looks confident, but as soon as he takes off the ramp it becomes clear that he won't make it. In the final panel of the story, he crashes hard into the side of the dock, where one onlooker has the gall to say he might even be dead. 

I highly doubt he will be dead, son, this is his first appearance in the comic, and it wouldn't be much of a story if he dies in the first issue. Oh dear, what would the readers think? What this reader thinks is that this story is covering a lot of similar ground to Tallon Of The Track, the story that it is replacing in the comic. Fast bikes, a smattering of stunts, the same artist, there were panels here that felt like they could have existed in either story. This familiarity helps give the story a jumpstart, and I already have a good feel for the story being told. Tornado Jones isn't the same type of compelling character as Jo Tallon, but he does have his own charm that holds the story together, at least so far. This story drew heavily from the period in which it was written, and it was a time warp to see people travelling between Briain and Australia by liner, along with the talk of everything being bigger in Australia. It once again highlighted the love affair that Britain seemed to have with Australia at the time, and as a proud New Zealander, I can only watch on bitterly as Australia is portrayed as the land of plenty. I shall carry my grudge onto the rugby field. I am reluctant to read too much into the first issue of a new story, and I do have some reservations about the potential silliness that could unfold with a stuntman for whom everything goes wrong. I love humour in my comics just as much as the next man (I refer you to my love of Hot Shot Hamish), but I wouldn't want to see this become a series of failed stunts. Only time will tell how they play this, and I have faith that it will be a well-balanced story with plenty of laughs along the way. The Tiger writers have never let me down before, and I will read on confidently. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "He's hit the edge of the dock! He could be killed!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

It's been a long time since I have seen a 24-hour race, so I look forward to seeing how Tiny and Martin will go with their exploits this week. 

Tiny is still nervous about having to drive part of the race, but Martin reassures him, explaining the schedule they will drive to. There is a clever bit of exposition at this stage with the race organiser explaining the rules to the pair, and educating any reader who might not be familiar with how a 24-hour race works. 

The race starts with the competitors running to their cars. Martin wins the footrace and is away first. It doesn't count for much, as there are various classes of cars on the track, and soon most of the fast sporty cars have gone by. Martin isn't too concerned, they only need to win the Mini class they are in. 

After six hours, Martin comes into the pits to swap drivers. He has built a handy lead and tells the nervous Tiny just to do his best to maintain the lead. Tiny takes this advice and roars out onto the track, while Martin looks at the table and sees that he has entirely forgotten his orange juice, coffee, chewing gum and gloves! He can only hope that does better on the track. 

There was a lot to like here, and several moments of pure joy. As the boys are preparing the car, Tiny shows Martin that he has installed a device to hold their coffee cups and juice while they are driving. Tiny is ahead of the times and wasted on the pages here, he should be working for a car manufacturer. A cup holder in a car, who could imagine such a thing - it's bound to catch on. The dialogue between Martin and Tiny before the race was outstanding, with Tiny all nerves and Martin trying to reassure him. It had a natural flow to to it, and in a world full of bravado it harked back to a simpler time when men were men and Tiny was a nervous wreck. These softer moments between the two friends mean much more to me after accumulating fifty years of life experience, I find I am reading the comic differently from when I was a boy. I used to jump from action to action, always craving some excitement on the page, whereas now I like these quiet moments and taking pleasure in the two friends just spending time together. It mirrors my own life and the good friends I have, and it is always a treat to see it appear on these pages. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "It's no good Martin...I'm not up to driving in a big race like this! I'm not good enough! I'll only let you down!"

Billy's Boots

Billy is playing a trial game for one of the school's lower teams, and with most of the team being useless (I believe that's the correct technical term) he isn't given much chance to shine. That changes when he receives the ball and finds himself in space. With a mazy dribble (or amazing dribble if you like) he beats several players before rounding the keeper. To add salt to the wounds, Billy then turns his back to the goal and backheels it in. 

It's a great goal, but Mister Renton isn't impressed and perceives it as showing off. The opposing team isn't impressed either, with the goalkeeper threatening Billy. Revenge is dealt out the next time Billy receives the ball and he is smashed between two heavy defenders (I want to say fat, but it's 2024. No doubt they'll get participation medals after).

Billy scores again in the game, but it isn't enough, and he doesn't make the school team. Mister Renton doesn't want a showoff on the team, and that is the label he has given Billy. 

At home, Billy sits with his Grans and reads Dead-Shot Keen's book to see if anything similar ever happened to him. The same thing had happened, and Billy reads that Dead-Shot was dropped after upsetting some of the older players with his style of play. 

Billy is comforted by this, and on Saturday he is at the ground to support the team. One of the substitutes has to leave early, and he asks Billy to take his place on the bench. Billy is reluctant, but there is nothing in the rules about it, so he agrees. As luck would have it, the substitute has no sooner left than there's an injury on the field,. Mister Renton is surprised to see Billy is the sub, and Billy quickly explains the situation. There is nothing Renton can do, and he sends Billy on, but not before sternly warning him that if he larks about he will be finished with the school team for good. 

It was only a trial game for a school team, but the first page saw Billy drawing on his inner Messi and destroying the opposing team with his dribble. It temporarily derailed me, and I did waste quite some time watching YouTube videos of Messi after reading this story, ostensibly to find the below photo, but also because I can't help but marvel at his pure skill. Billy was wrong to humiliate the keeper as he did with the backheel, but honestly, with a haircut like that, the keeper deserves all he gets. Next time Billy should chip him and then hold him down and shave his head. Bad hair head cuts aside, Mister Renton's attitude is one of many coaches I have met, and one I find myself agreeing with more often as I get older. It is all about the team, especially at that age and skill level. Looking back at when I used to play, and that's a long way to look back now, it isn't the goals or flashes of brilliance that I remember (although I'm sure there must have been some) but the laughs I had with my team on and off the field and our now legendary trips away. I remember Brad Clarke puking after drinking too much at the hostel far more than I remember any of the goals he scored (Sorry Brad!). Billy may not agree with Mister Renton now, but in fifty years he will look back and remember the laughs with Jimmy Dawson far more than he remembers this backheel goal. Although, who knows, maybe this goal will be the greatest thing to ever happen to Billy. I certainly hope not.

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "That is not the sort of thing I like to see! It's just showing off!"

Who did it better - Billy or Messi? 

Skid Solo 

Skid must win the Canadian Grand Prix to have any chance of winning the title of World Motor-Racing Champion. The crowd is behind him, the car is in good shape, and as the race begins Skid gets off to a solid start in fifth place.

Smith and Von Vargen are the early front runners and after the first quarter of the race Skid begins to make his move, sliding by  Jean Corbonne and moving into fourth place. 

The drama comes shortly after as the rain begins to fall. It's heavy, and soon the track is awash with water and crashed cars. Most of the other cars come in for rain tyres, but Skid stays out on the track alone and he is soon building himself a lead. 

With the return of the other drivers, the race is on, and Skid is pleased when Sandy finally shows him the board where he sits with a twenty-five-second lead and ten laps remaining. The final ten laps see some close racing, but Skid clings onto his rapidly dwindling lead, eventually crossing the line to snatch the race by a mere half-a-car length. 

Congratulations are offered in the pits, and several drivers commend Skid for a fine drive without the aid of rain tyres. Skid then reveals that he was actually driving on rain tyres from the start having earlier checked the weather forecast. The strip ends with a final look at the driver's table, where Skid now sits just two points behind the leaders and the season rapidly coming to a close. 

It seems Skid is the only one who checks the weather forecast before a race. This isn't the first time this has happened, and surely one of the other drivers learnt their lesson from the last time. Skid is a great driver, and in the world of Tiger comics, he is also the smartest. That makes him hard to beat, and it's surprising he hasn't led the driver's table all season. This story worked well to get Skid into a position to challenge the championship, and the tension is ratcheted up at just the right moment. Most of the season has drifted by, but finally, we have something to play for and Skid is peaking at just the right moment. Although I was disappointed with aspects of the story, and obviously the angle where Skid was the only one to check the weather, overall I was very happy with what was achieved and the race itself. The racing in the wet looked great, and we had one very memorable panel of two cars crashing out of the race. I would have enjoyed it even more if I hadn't watched the 2024 Belgium Grand Prix a couple of weeks ago, and reading this all I could do was think about the difference between Formula One racing in 1975 and 2024. I laughed at Martin and Tiny's coffee cup holders earlier on the strip, but the difference between F1 then and now is even greater, and almost an entirely different sport. I'm not sure how Skid would go nowadays driving as part of a team, but I have no doubt that Sandy would have loved to be in his ear the entire race with instructions and advice. 


Best line: "Not so good! No-one's going to like this! But...maybe they'll all like it less than I do!" 

Roy Of The Rovers

Duncan McKay is officially a Rover, and the story starts this week with Duncan introducing himself to the team at training. The team take to him straight away, and although he is aggressive, they all admire his spirit. However, this aggression causes problems at the end of the season as Duncan asks if he can continue to train with Portdean until he gets himself a place in Melchester. Roy refuses, pointing out that they only have three training sessions before the next leg of the league cup. The two exchange angry words before Duncan storms off, furious with Roy's attitude. 

Roy is equally unhappy with Duncan's attitude and is worried about what the future might hold. We find out soon enough as next Wednesday rolls around and Duncan McKay takes the field for the first time in Rovers colours. The crowd are anxious for him to do well, and Roy has even written a letter in the program welcoming him to the club (although I did notice he spelt his surname incorrectly).

The team is desperate to do well, and all the players are running around like a bunch of amateurs. Roy can see that they need to slow it down, and taking the ball himself he runs into some space. He can see Mervyn Wallace is free to his left, but when he fires the pass, Duncan McKay intercepts it, determined to prove his worth to the team.

Mervyn is in a good position to shoot, Duncan McKay is not, and he dribbles the ball into the box where he is confronted by a wave of defenders. However, he unleashes a shot, much to the delight of the crowd, although it flies easily over the bar. McKay is encouraged by this, but in the final panel, we can see Roy is concerned that McKay is playing for himself rather than the team. 

 I want to rate this higher, but Duncan McKay is letting me down in his first game. He is also letting down the players in the team, and clashing with Roy. It makes for good reading, although at the same time, I also feel uncomfortable. As someone who was always taught that the team is everything, it is uncomfortable for me to see a team misfiring in the field, with one player ineffectually dominating the play. We are also seeing something similar playing our In Billy's Boots, although I feel for poor Billy more than Duncan McKay. He was likeable enough in the first panels, but that quickly wore off when he crossed Roy. Roy was in the right in this case, McKay should be coming to the training, after all, he is a professional being paid by Rovers. A good goal may change my opinion of the man, but until then I will be team Roy all the way. It is to the credit of the writer that they have created a believable story and character that makes me uncomfortable - I will read with interest to see how they redeem him and make him the integral part of the team he will become. 

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "Er, sorry Duncan...I do mind!"

Duncan will not be happy when he sees Roy has spelt his name wrong!


Danny Marvin looks to have stolen Nipper's place in the team, and at the end of the last issue, he was driving recklessly by Nipper when he lost control of his sports car as it raced towards a milk float. In the first panel of this week's issue, we see the outcome of that, with Marvin managing to pull out of the skid and hitting the milk float with a glancing blow. 

Marvin doesn't wait around to see the outcome of his actions, but Nipper does and he pulls alongside on his bike to check on the milky. The milky is unharmed, however his vehicle isn't so lucky and not only are most often milk bottles smashed, but the axles are bent. Nipper takes time to drive the milky back to the depot, as well as stopping by to report the incident to the police. 

All this makes Nipper late, and he arrives at Blackport stadium fifteen minutes after training has started. He has his excuse at the ready, but holds his tongue, thinking about the consequences for Marvin if he was to be suspended so early in his career. Nipper decides it would be best if Marvin explained what happened, although Marvin remains silent while Andy Stewart demands an explanation. 

Andy Stewart isn't shy about expressing his displeasure, and not only does Nipper get bawled out, but he is also dropped for the next game and put in the reserves team. Nipper stews on this for a whole thirty seconds before he decides that it is not worth all this trouble to protect a teammate and the strip ends with Nipper storming the pitch, yelling that he wants a word with Marvin. 

This storyline with Marvin and his rivalry with Nipper is a good hand, but it is the artwork that holds all the aces. Each panel is a story within itself, and I find more to enjoy week after week. It started strong with the artwork and all it brought to the table with the backstreet herbalist, and each week it has built on that solid foundation to where we are now. The first panel would be an obvious highlight, as was the entire first page. The second page continued in a similar vein, and although the scene of the action changed, the intensity and fluidity of the art style did not. Previous issues of Nipper have almost been heavy-handed, but of late it has become both brighter and lighter, and paired with a story mining a similar style, this feels a lot faster, and dare I say it, better. Nipper has a lot of problems at the moment, but his artwork and plot aren't one of them.    

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Nipper's going for you Danny as if he hates him!"

Hot Shot Hamish 

Hamish has found a promising young player at the local recreational ground. He offers him a chance to try out for Princes Park, but little does Hamish realise that he's inviting a heap of trouble. 

Alfie, the young player in question arrives at the ground, and while he gets himself ready his mate Tommy appears at the changing room window, asking to be let in so he can steal everything within. 

Alfie doesn't want to get involved, but Tommy comes in anyway while Alfie takes to the field. Out on the field, Alfie performs well, although some of the Princes Park players take umbridge to his flashy style and he finds himself heavily tackled as the game progresses. Hamish isn't one to stand by while an injustice takes place, and he steps in to protect Alfie, delivering a verbal barrage that is backed by his size.  

The game ends and Mister McWhacker tells Hamish that he will take Alfie on for a month's trial, at fifteen pounds a week. Again Hamish steps in to protect his man, telling Mister McWhacker that it is not fair and he should be giving Alfie twenty pounds a week, to which Mister McWhacker agrees. 

Alfie can see that Hamish is doing a lot to help him out, which makes it all the more shocking when the strip ends with Tommy calling to Alfie to hurry up as he has swiped all the wallets of the players out of the changing rooms, including Hamish's. 

Top stuff, with not much humour but plenty of pathos dripping from the pages. I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for, Alfie for his poor choices of friends that is blowing up on his face, or Hamish for naively picking a player up from the local recreational ground. Both have their hearts in the right places, and it's just circumstance that has landed us in these awkward outcomes. We all know that Hamish has a volcanic temper, and already I can see sparks flying come the next issue. Like Nipper before it, Hot Shot Hamish also contained some of the best artwork of the issue. It was the little details that added to the feel of the story, as you can see in the panel below. Look at the position of Hamish's hand, one can sense exactly what he saying to Mister McWhacker, and how he is saying it. It's all in this single detail, and one knows in a flash that it is an intimate conversation taking place. Hamish has the biggest heart of anyone in the Tiger comic, and little moments of genius like this from the artist mean that this strip also carries the largest heart in the comic. There is more feeling on these pages than anywhere else in the comic (although sometimes Martin's Marvellous Mini gives it a run for its money) which is why Hot Shot Hamish is, and always be, my favourite story.   

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Yere pretty, pretty stuff will get ye nowhere, mon!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7.5/10

Best Story:  Hot Shot Hamish  

Best Line: "Ye cut that oot...or ye'll find ma fist stuffed in yere throat! The wee laddie's only trying to win a place in the team!" 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:

Tiger 22nd November 1975

An eye-catching cover has me optimistic that we are in for a good issue this week. I'm fifty years old, yet I still give my heart to the...