Saturday, August 20, 2022

Tiger 15th December 1973

I can't believe how quickly Sunday afternoon has rolled around again, I feel like I've only just put down last week's issue, and here I am once again, comic in hand, a cup of tea, and an hour worth of peace and quiet ahead of me. There was plenty happening in last week's issue, let's pick up the action and see where we are.  

15th December 1973

Skid Solo

Skid Solo kicks off this week, but it's Sandy's school friend that captures my attention with a superb brown coat and some yellow trousers. The colour front page truly does wonders for setting the scene. This week is a typical Skid story where he's asked to test drive a vehicle of some description. In this case, it is Sandy's school-chum, Ian McBain, and his experimental race car. What unfolds contains very little in surprise, but is classic Skid Solo and well told in every aspect. After an unconvincing test drive, the secret of the car is revealed, a wind intake that when turned up generates an extra  30 miles an hour in speed. With this knowledge in hand, Skid takes another drive, returning to Sandy and friend on foot, having crashed the car. The panel of the car crash hits my funny bone in just the right spot, Skid has crashed into a sign that says "Go by rail." This panel and the front page are the best part of the story for me, and the rest of the story basks in the glow of these panels. The crux of the story is revealed when Skid tells Sandy that although McBain built a faster car, he didn't build better brakes.  The story may seem slight, but it was enjoyable enough and didn't need any extra drama to get me from beginning to end. Skid is such a nice fellow, it's impossible not to like any story he is in.  

Rating: 5.5/10

Best line:  "Bit of paint scraped off it, but no great harm done! We'll need a pick-up truck to tow it back to the pits!

Roy Of The Rovers

Poor old Roy was having nightmares about his opponent, Len Farmer, when last saw him in the last issue, and we carry right on with this storyline with this issue. I am reminded that we are firmly in the 1970s as Roy takes his troubles to his manager, who pretends to ring a psychiatrist which has Roy leaving saying no thanks he'll handle it himself. The coach and manager may laugh about it, but we have come a long way since then when it comes to mental health, and one certainly would see a big club nowadays taking players' mental welfare far more seriously. The story turns to on-field action, and Roy is played out of position to try and counter Len farmer, a move that seemingly backfires as Len is all over Roy early on, and we see Roy fall into the trap of trying to take him on himself, leaving the rest of the team vulnerable. I found this issue uneven, both in pacing and story, and paired with the fact that it hasn't aged particularly well I found Roy this week to be disappointing. Still, the great thing with these comics is there's always next week,  so hopefully, that will be more to my tastes.  

 Rating: 5/10

Best Line: "Hee! Hee! Ha! Ha! Haaa! I've heard everything now! The great Roy Race...having nightmares about centre-backs!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Martin's Marvellous Mini is a story of two halves this week. First, we have them scrambling for money to enter the round Britain rally, and then the second half the beginning of the rally itself. There is some humour as they get their entrance fee together, the panel where they sell some possessions is amusing, especially seeing them with golf clubs, a transistor radio, and a fishing rod. Luckily the good people of Buxton come to their aid, donating the entrance fee with a door-to-door collection. This sets us up for the rally itself, which although is only beginning has the potential for plenty of scrapes and japes. The boys are delayed from the start by the inevitable traffic jam and then accumulate penalty points throughout the first day, before finding themselves in a flood. All par for the course for Martin, Tiny, and George, but just the sort of content that keeps me coming back week after week. This week's issue will fade from memory soon enough, but I enjoyed every minute I was reading it, and as always Martin's Marvellous Mini remains a firm favorite. 

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "Thirty-five penalty points...on the first day! It's the rain that's holding us up now!"

The Tigers

Tigers were disturbing the peace in the library when we last saw them, and in this episode, things come to a head with bookshelves, books, and the Tigers all ending up on the floor. Thank goodness Chunky is so lucky because he ends up with the very book they need in his hands. I understand that Chunky's luck is the central premise of this story, but sometimes I just shake my head and sigh. We are in familiar territory with the Tigers taking a train them biking cross country while Burton does his best to keep up. Of course there's a rampaging bull because this just wouldn't be The Tigers if there wasn't a bull chasing boys on bikes at some stage. The most evocative panel is the final one when they find the aptly named Gravestone Manor,  and if next week can live up to only a fraction of its potential I shall be very happy indeed. Reading this strip I didn't like it, but putting my thoughts down on paper I find I enjoyed it far more than I thought. There's a lesson there somewhere, but I don't know what it is.  

 Rating: 6/10

Best line: "I've made the bull do us a favour, fellers. There's Gravestone manor. We've found it!"

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

Johnny takes a back seat for this issue as Splash heads underwater for the treasure ship. With the villains out of the way on shore, there is plenty of focus on Splash doing his job, and after a page of setup and Splash getting into his costume, we are finally underwater and at the site of the sunken ship. the panels depicting Splash working on the ship aren't the most gripping, it is only in the final half page where the story gets interesting with the appearance of an octopus. With its tentacles wrapped firmly around Splash's head, there is finally some welcome drama. I keep thinking I have seen Splash and an Octopus before, but perhaps I am merely remembering this particular story. It is a striking visual, and I forget all that has come before and will take this image with me as we go forward into the next issue. 

Rating: 5/10

Best Line:  "Fear not, little ice-bird...Splash heap good in water, he not take any chances!"

 A Horse Called Ugly

I thought that last week was the end of Joe and Ugly's South America adventure, but it seems not. This is a strange issue, and the story takes some unusual twists in the two pages it runs. The most striking thing is there is no horse action at all, we only see Ugly once, and that is when he is loaded into a train. But before we get to that, we need to rewind to why Joe is still in South America. While the rest of the team is preparing to return to Britain, Joe auctions off a cup he won in Britain, earning himself two hundred dollars, enough for him and Ugly to further their adventures in South America. Bidding farewell to Angela, they board a plane across the continent, and then a mountain train we're Jow charms the locals in his usual way. It's not all a smooth ride though, and the train comes to a sudden halt. Fearing for Ugly, Joe disembarks whereupon out of the smoke a mysterious figure throws a blanket over him. I find that even though this is an unusual issue, I still like it. I like that it has a different feel from what has come previously, and even if the setup was awkward, I do like seeing their trip into the mountains. We don't know where they are going, or who the figure is, or why any of this is happening, but with all these questions, next week's issue will be unmissable.  

 Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "Senor, eeet is magnifico! Lizard leg in baked clay!" 

Football Family Robinson 

The Rodney Bull storyline took a giant leap forward last week, and suddenly here we are wrapping it up. With Rodney released from the hospital and facing a gang of Maxwell's thugs, it seems only the Robinson family can save the day. But things aren't quite as they seem, and I am happy with the direction the story takes as it is revealed that Detective-sergeant Gill has his own plain clothes men hidden in the ambulance. This leads to a shambles as police reinforcements arrive, rounding up not only the crooks but also the interfering Robinson. However, all is well that ends well, and the mess is soon sorted out, with the right men being taken in, the Rodney Bull case wrapped up and Alf's name finally cleared. I have greatly enjoyed this story, and although it meandered for some weeks, it carried my attention throughout. One could say the ending was too abrupt, but the story had gone on for a while and it was time to bring it to a close. A knock on the door in the final panel this week brings the next story into view, and one can only hope that it's just as good as the Rodney Bull story. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "No? Causing a breach of the peace. Causing an affray. Assaulting a constable. Interfering with the police in the execution of their duty- I've got enough to keep you on bread and water for years"

Tallon Of the Track

Jo's plan to lure the villains into the open comes into effect this week in Tallon Of The Track.  Not as dramatic as last week, but there is a sense of danger as Jo sets up her tightrope across the ravine. Although it may seem dangerous, Jo is taking no chances with team members scattered all over the site with walkie-talkies at the ready for any attempt. With her motorcycle skills to the fore, my favourite images are as she begins her ride across the ravine. However, the real danger comes from an approaching helicopter and with that threat approaching, we wrap up another issue. With only two pages to work with the story moves quickly, with one page of setup and one page of action. It's too quick for my liking, I would love to see three or four pages, but that's just not how these things work. Another great issue from a top team and plenty more in store next week. 

Best line:  "yeah...the stunt to end all stunts! That ravine is three-quarters of a mile across! I reckon you'll get about twenty yards!"

Rating: 7/10

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 6/10

Best Story: Football Family Robinson 

Best Line:  "Ya hear that, Elmer? Gee, he thinks I'm a duchess. I just can't wait to tell the folks back in lil' ol' Texas"

Best Panel:

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Tiger 8th December 1973

Burst pipes, no sir, I don't like them. While I'm waiting for an emergency plumber to turn up, and to take my mind off the eventual cost, I'm going to use this time to read this week's Tiger comic. Not ideal circumstances, but in this busy world, you have to use whatever time you can get. 


8th December 1973

Roy Of The Rovers

Roy and the team embark on a new storyline this week as we return to on-field action. I much prefer this story to what we have seen in the last few weeks, and as the team prepares for the match against Thornton Villa I wonder where the drama will come from. I don't have to wait long to find out, Thornton Villa has proven a problem for the Rovers in the last couple of seasons, especially Roy's marker, Len Farmer, who proves to be a problem at every turn. To demonstrate this, we have a delightful scene where Tony Storm cues up a film projector and some film of their match last season. We certainly have come a long way since, and I think of the modern players watching videos of players and games on tablets, phones, and touch screens at many of the big clubs now.  Roy is convinced that Farmer is his bogeyman, and sets his mind on how he can beat the man. In the final scene, we see Roy at home with Jimmy Slade, still pondering the problem, before he falls asleep, only to wake Jimmy later with his yelling at night. All in all, much more enjoyable, even if it's not high-stakes drama, it is pure football, and what I want to see more of out of Roy Of The Rovers. Next week's game should reveal more, and the drama with Len Farmer will play out, and I'll be here every page for that, especially if we see more of Roys superb looking car!  

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best Line: "Steady on Roy! You're driving like Skid Solo!"

Skid Solo

Skid Solo isn't the star of his own story this week, but even so, this week's issue continues the good run we have had of Skid Solo stories recently. It is with some relief that Skid has returned to the UK, and I am pleased to see Sparrow Smith make an appearance in the first couple of panels. I had forgotten about him, and seeing his chirpy face lifts the strip and my spirits. It will be Sparrow Smith who carries this week's story, and not only is Skid relegated to the sidelines, but the story also features motorcycles rather than racing cars. Sparrow is training to ride a speedway bike, and we learn that he has an invitation race coming up. In his dour way, Sandy thinks he will fail and offers ten pounds (about 80 pounds when converted to today's money)  if he can manage a win, an offer Sparrow gleefully accepts. Things look grim for Sparrow as he watches a professional team, and tries it himself. However, as often happens in the Skid Solo stories, all is revealed in the final panel as Sparrow wins the cup, Sandy's ten pounds, as the invitation race features a footballer, a runner, and a cricketer. I'm well used to these types of endings from Skid Solo, sometimes I smile, sometimes I groan, but it is part of the reason I enjoy these stories. A nice little story, and considering it didn't feature Skid it rates higher than expected.   

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "I said I'd learn a trick or two...and I have. Watch from some place else! 

Martin's Marvellous Mini

You can't beat a good car chase, and that is exactly what we get for most of Martin's Marvellous Mini this week. Zarkoff in his car with rocket launchers mounted in front had me all aquiver last week, and this week we get to see those rockets in action. He does seem to find Martin and Tiny a little too easily for my cynical mind, but as soon as he fires that first rocket I'm totally absorbed in the story. The chase escalates and Tiny and martin drive into a defence area, where a tank soon takes out Zarkoff, without harming him of course. With the main threat nullified, the rest of the story is a wrap-up as martin and Tiny return to the two old ladies who started them on this treasure hunt. They have had some bad luck in the meantime, their cottage being badly damaged in a fire, but our heroes, as they do so often, offer up their portion of the treasure, leaving them once again broke and looking for money and adventure. i had hoped to see more of Zarkoff and this treasure hunt, and it feels like it wraps up all too quickly, the other treasure maps conveniently destroyed in the fire. However, the prospect of a rally car race around Britain next week has me enthused, and although I'm sad to see this treasure hunt storyline behind us, I'm still eager to see what happens next. 

 Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: " and Tiny won't take anything! You can have our share of the treasure! You need it more than we do!"

The Tigers

Tigers isn't as sporty as I come to expect, after an opening Bike accident, the story moves indoors, to a library no less, where Chunky again creates havoc. Taking part in an initiative race, Chunky and his pals are on the hunt for a book that will tell them where to find gargoyles. With Ron Burton hot on his heels, they soon clash in a riot of noise and chaos, both of which are deeply frowned upon in a library. It's not quite what I expected, and I think I like it more because of this. The slapstick humour works well in this setting, I can completely relate to the poor old head librarian. No doubt, we will be back outside next week, but this is a pleasant diversion and an enjoyable moment in this week's issue.   

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "It can't be mumps - he's had that before!" 

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

Johnny and Splash were with their island friend the last time we saw them and were just about to receive a surprise. The surprise isn't as dramatic as I had hoped, it is an outdoor training gym and wrestling ring. OK< it is pretty cool, but even so, this isn't the page-turning action I'm used to. The story only heats up late, when Mister Harker and his bodyguard turn up to stop their wrestling match and command Splash back to work. This is the first time in the story that we have seen Harker's name, and on that front, I am mighty happy. I am also happy when things turn nasty on these panels,. with both parties facing off, and Cougar telling Harker exactly what he thinks of him and his treasure hunt. With a promise to do the job and get out as fast as they can, it looks like the story will be accelerating next week, but I do hope they have more time to utilize this wrestling ring, and there new found wrestling chum, Not quite as good as last week, but it looks like we still have some action ahead of us. 

Rating: 7/10

Best Line:  "Never mind job! No-one make Cougar stop wrestling... no-one damage ring while Cougar fighting!"

Tallon Of the Track

Tallon Of The Track is the most dramatic story in Tiger this week, by a long shot. Tiny and Martin had their moments in Martin's Marvellous Mini, but they don't come close to the life or death situation we find Jo Tallon in. It is this drama that makes Tallon Of The track my favorite story again this week. I can't deny, that I do like the art in this story a lot, but it is the story itself that has me on the hook, and the writers have done another great bit of work this week. With Jo still locked in the steam box, Dave does his best to smash his way into the building but is thwarted by the local police. However, he is not to be denied, and it fights them off and gets to Jo just in a nick of time. Phew! After two attempts on her life, I thought Jo might take a more circumspect approach, but she offers herself up as bait in an attempt to bring these thugs out into the open. With the promise of the motorcycle stunt of the year, it's double jeopardy, and there looks like plenty could go wrong next week. The top story again and everything else in the issue looks weak next to this, Jo Tallon is the queen of Tiger comic this week,. 

Rating: 8.5/10

Best line:  "Jo, you're crazy! If it goes wrong...! What's your plan, anyway?"

Football Family Robinson 

It looks like the end is in sight for the Rodney Bull storyline, as the story takes a leap forward in this issue. With Rodney about to be released from Hospital, Kev sketches out a lot of information that seems to point the finger at Maxwell. A curious issue is this one, as most of the story follows a football match before Kevin dumps all the information about Rodney Bull's case in a single panel. It feels odd to me, I would have preferred the information to trickle out, rather than a single panel that seems to solve the whole case. However, this isn't the dramatic moment of the story, that is in the final panels when Rodney is released from the hospital, and seemingly into the hands of his assailants, leaving the family Robinson the only people who can prevent further violence. The final panels are the best part of this week's issue, I just wish the rest of the story could have lived up to them. I'm looking forward to next week when, hopefully, the story will be more consistent. Perhaps I'm just feeling bitter because my girl Viv barely features this week...    

Rating: 6/10

Best line:  "Bull is still inside. I've had a tip that he's scared. He's trying to kid the doctors that he's still sick."

A Horse Called Ugly

I didn't know if when I started reading this week, but this is the end of Joe and Uglys South America storyline. With Joe riding Guardsman, much to Ugly's displeasure, this isn't immediately apparent, but after completing a clean round  Joe wins the competition for the team. Ugly isn't left out of the action, in a fit of jealously he completes a clean round, without a rider, just to prove a point. It's all very pleasant and pedestrian and lacks some of the dynamic horse-in-action artwork I have come to expect. I am pleased to see a happy ending, and as always, the promise of a new storyline piqued my interest. Nicely rounded out, I look forward to seeing what awaits Joe and ugly next. 

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best line:  "Come back you animated piece of horse-flesh! The event is over!" 

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Tallon of The Track 

Best Line: Dave Trent - "Stone the crows, y-you look like a cooked Chicken! "

Best Panel:

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tiger 1st December 1973

Work has been busy this week and I haven't had much time to think about this week's issue of Tiger, but as soon as I see Johnny Cougar on the cover all thoughts of anything else disappear and I am once again in my happy place. Johnny Cougar is one of the mainstays of the Tiger comics and anytime he is in colour on the cover I am happy. Memories of last week's issue come back to me quickly, and I am ready to dive in and see where his story with Splash Gorton takes us.

1st December 1973

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

I am very pleased to see we are immediately dropped into the action from the start, with Johnny and Splash already on a small boat and Splash about to make his first dive to the shipwreck. As an impatient child that has grown into an impatient adult, this is the perfect way to start the comic, and it is something that happens regularly with Tiger comic. Sure, sometimes there is an issue that lays the groundwork in a particular story, but generally, we are straight into the action for every story, every week. Not only does the story jump start with our heroes already in the pacific, but Gorton dives and is immediately by the wreck. The artwork in these opening panels is very good, I am surprised by how ripped Splash Gorton is. I shouldn't be, after all, he is a swimmer, but even so, it's still nice to see him with a flat six-pack stomach. Likewise, Johnny next to him is big and muscular, although it does make his head look rather shrunken in one of the panels. With the current proving to be just as strong as promised, Splash and Johnny are going to need more equipment and soon head back to the island. It may seem slight, but on the boat, they discuss their distrust of the man who gave them the job. Back on the island, they meet the wrestling champ, who immediately hits it off with Johnny for his fine sense of humour. It's at this point that I notice that we haven't been given the name of the island wrestling champ, or of the two men that have hired Johnny and Splash. n fact, even in the boat Johnny and Splash only ever said "the men who hired us" so even they don't know who they are. In the final panel, we aren't given their names again, but there is the excellent caption "The man who had given Splash the job watched the trio depart through narrow, hate-filled eyes." Asides from not knowing their names, this is a great line, and the words "through narrow hate-filled eyes" is particularly evocative. Not only do I want to see where this story goes, but I also want more writing like this, and paired with a menacing final image this is a great way to round out a top story. 

Rating: 8/10

Best Line:  "Cougar also think hard! But maybe we getting too suspicious of people!"

Skid Solo

Last week's episode of Skid Solo was great, and it follows up with an equally strong episode this week. I think the character 'Speedo' is great and this week he is centre stage as he races Skid around the island. This gives us some great panels of Speedo's face as he pushes Skid to his limit, and one can see the glee with which he drives his vehicle. Arty work like this fills me with joy, and along with the continual motion of the cars is a highlight for me. The race continues across the pages, Speedo proving to be a fine competitor, although Skid uses his experience to pass him at just the right point. This brings us to another panel that I must comment on- the picture of Skid with a smug smile on his face as he goes past. I have seen it before, and as much as I like Skid as a character, I have never liked this smug veneer. But then again, he is a race champion and deserves a little leeway, I'm sure that more than a few of the current formula one drivers share this smugness. Speedo isn't so easily beaten though, and his men prepare to throw rocks down on Skid, leading to some evasive driving, before he again takes the lead. There is little time for celebration as he picks up Sandy and they continue to drive to their boat and make an equally quick getaway. This constant motion works well for a Skid Solo story and there is the feeling that we are always rushing forward in a breathless drive to the finish. Previously I have said that I would like to see Ski return to the track as soon as possible, but I like this story a lot and if there were more like this then I would be more than happy to follow Skid through his off-season.     

Rating: 8/10

Best line:  "Try eating my dust for a change!" 

Martin's Marvellous Mini

The first panel of Martin's Marvellous Mini speaks to me and my younger self. Many times have I lounged on a train with a good friend and talked about getting some food. I am right in the picture as the story gathers pace. Tiny and Martin spot the crooks as they go to get some food and decide they need to get off the train as soon as they can.  Crooks is an underutilized word, and after seeing it spoken here I make a pledge to use it as much as possible in my everyday speech from now on. This issue of Tiger is serving up some great dialogue and words I'm rare to hear nowadays, and I enjoy it all the more for these little touches. The next part of the story sees George enter the picture as the boys drive him directly off the back of the train and onto the tracks in a moment worthy of any TV or action film. This proves to be a final hurrah for the two crooks pursuing Tiny and Martin, and a call to their master, Mr. Zarkoff, sees him take matters into his own hands as he gets into his car to deal with Tiny and Martin himself. This final panel has an equally cinematic feel as some of the earlier panels, and the site of his sports car with two rockets mounted in front immediately puts me in mind of James Bond and his variety of weapons. Needless to say, this can only mean that next week is going to be another thrill-a-minute ride, and with the previous two stories in this week's Tiger ending on high, we are off to a great start with all stories hitting my sweet spots. Forty-something-year-old me is loving this just as much as twelve-year-old me would have. 

 Rating: 8/10

Best line: "You are fired! Finished! Go and lose yourselves!"

Roy Of The Rovers

The Jumbo Trudgeon/Pudley village storyline finally comes to a conclusion this week as Roy and Jumbo end their deciding penalty shootout. Penalty shot outs are common in the modern era, less so in 1973, and this would have had a novelty factor at the time. The shoot-out works well on the page, and any panel that has Charlie the cat in action is worth seeing.  I am almost relieved when it ends with a victory for Roy and the village by-pass can be built. I never really warmed to this story, and although it had some nice scenes early on, I never brought into what was at stake. Once the penalty shoot-out started there was never any doubt that Roy would win it, and the story limps to the finish rather than burst triumphantly from the page. Next week promises a return to football action, with Roy's final line a warning that things may not go well for them. I certainly look forward to seeing the team back on the field and Melchester's performance in the league. 

 Rating: 5/10

Best Line: "Remember that I have placed you upon your honour, m'boy! The pride of the Trudgeons is at stake!"

A Horse Called Ugly

We last saw Ugly dashing free from the show jumping arena with Joe looking on helplessly. I quite enjoyed last week's issue, in a low-key sort of way, and am quietly confident that this issue will be at the same level. A Horse Called Ugly delivers on this pleasant mediocrity, and I am very happy to see that last weeks cliff hanger isn't immediately resolved, and the first page is entirely focused on Ugly running away and Joe chasing him. This makes the story well-paced, which is exactly would you would expect from a horse story. There is a twist as Ugly runs into Julian, injuring him so he is unable to take part in the final jump-off. He is further antagonized as Joe is selected to take his place on Guardsman for the jump-off. He's not the only one who is unhappy, and as Joe rides Guardsman to the final jump-off Ugly is shown to be equally jealous. The story is at its best when the horses are in action, and in this case, we have one page of Ugly on the run, and the other page with show jumping action, meaning that the story has its best foot forward for most of the issue. The final panel isn't quite the high-stakes cliffhanger I would like to see, but the story has enough meat on the bones that I find it enjoyable. The real star is the artwork of the horses, and every week I find myself enjoying it far more than I anticipated. 

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best line:  "Not Larcombe. Anyone but Larcombe. I won't stand for it!" 

Tallon Of the Track

This is the story I have been waiting all week to read. I have a soft spot for Jo Tallon, and last week ended with potential trouble right around the corner. She was in peril in the final panel as she entered the enemy territory in the Ottoman Turkish baths. The first panel this week fantastically captures this moment and serves as a timely reminder of where we were at. I love seeing the two thugs watching her through the curtain as she approaches the door, and one can see on her face that she has no idea what awaits her. It is a master class in storytelling, and that one panel conveys so much.  We don't have to wait long to see what will happen as she is immediately snatched as she comes through the door. In a scene that comes straight from a bond film, she is left to slowly perish in a steam box. If that seems familiar, it is because this is exactly how James Bond dispatched one of the villains in Thunderball. The second Bond reference in this issue, but that's no bad thing and only serves to highlight how big James Bond was in the late sixties/early seventies. It sits well in the story, and most modern readers probably get the reference. Leaving Jo to her fate, we return to the track where her absence has been noted by Dave. At this point, the story escalates to its final conclusion as Dave takes the van, sees steam coming out of the bathhouse, and sensing something wrong crashes his van into the front door - just as the police arrive. This last page is where all the action lies, and seeing Dave ram the van through the front door is highlighted. I do wonder how he managed to connect the dots so quickly between the steam venting from the building and Jo being trouble, but I put that aside and just enjoy the smashing ride. best of all, there looks like this story still has plenty of legs and we may well be in for more of the same in the coming weeks. I certainly hope so. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line:  "I've heard of break-ins, but this is ridiculous. Let's grab him!"

Football Family Robinson 

Alf Robinson receives a visit from Detective Sergeant Gill in the first panel of Football Family Robinson this week, and he features heavily in the following pages as the strands of Rodney Bull's assailant draw together. However, despite the feeling that we are getting closer, things are still unclear and there is plenty of time in the following pages for the story to marinate further. With a strong cast of characters, I enjoy the way they all pull the story in different directions, and each has their own perspective on who to blame. Please don't think less of me, but Viv is still my favorite on each page. She is feisty and bold and holds her own against every other character in the story. Every panel with her in it lights up, and even if she's not the main character in the scene she still finds a way to dominate it. Last week she confronted Kev and Fred as they staked out the Maxwell Motors, but in doing so the suspicious character they were watching disappeared. They do have a piece of luck though when they see him again at the hospital, still hiding behind his paper. Calling the family together, they pull back the paper, only to find it's detective Gill. Nothing like a good red herring in the story to keep the plot going. I am happy to say, it's my girl Viv that keeps on his case, ringing him regularly for updates, despite his pleas for her not to. However, her persistence pays off when she receives a phone call while the family is playing Eastborough from Kevin saying Rodney Bull has been discharged. Another solid issue, and once again it is the characters that make this story what it is. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "'s the chap we saw before...the sinister watcher!"

The Tigers

I thought that we would be straight into the action this week as the last time we saw Chunky he was rapidly descending beneath the ballon to the punt racers below. However, it is not until the second page here that he finally crashes into Burton, knocking him into the water. Chunky once again rides his luck to the finish, as he claims a healthy reward for capturing the balloon. Even though it didn't feel like a lot happened this week, I still enjoyed it much more than last week, and like Chunky and his mates, I always like seeing Burton take a tumble and Chunky winning through in the end. This concludes this adventure for Chunky, so we reset ourselves for next week, and I wonder what sport he'll be trying next. 

 Rating: 5.5/10

Best line: "I expect they're admiring my style with this pole. Quite understandable" 

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Tallon of The Track 

Best Line: Chunky Clark - "Giggling gherkins, I've accidentally biffed Burton! Still, it could be worse- he might have biffed me! "

Best Panel:

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Tiger 24th November 1973

Skid Solo on the front cover is usually a good indication of how the rest of an issue of Tiger will be, and looking at the cover of 24th November 1973, I can safely say we are in for a good one. You might think that I am easily swayed by the color, but there are many things I like about it, so let us jump straight into the Skid Solo story. 

24th November 1973

Skid Solo

Mustachioed villains. Old racing cars. An island location. This Skid Solo story is putting it all out there. I must admit, I'm a sucker for a mustachioed villain, and in the bandit "Speedo" we have a classic of the genre. The story begins with a race about to begin between Skid and this bandit before we flashback to the preceding events that lead us to this point. It all began with Skid and Sandy taking a boat out for the day before they decided to land on an island (palm trees, white beaches). Here they run into some gunman who takes them before their leader, the wonderfully mustached Speedo. Speedo offers to race Skid in some of the cars from his collection, an offer that Skid declines, that is until he finds that Speedo has sabotaged his boat and he is stuck with no option but to race. Skid selects a car, which Sandy dutifully brings up to race speed overnight, before we finish as the race begins, setting up a nice cliffhanger into next week's issue. Without any racing action, this story holds my attention throughout, and there is plenty that catches my eye on the pages. The old cars look great, the location is exciting, and the villains are superb. This is all building for the next issue, but even so, I find I dwell over this story for a long time, soaking in every piece of the artwork.  

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line:  "Och, mon, it's sheer madness to go racing in these things! They're museum pieces" 

Roy Of The Rovers

Roy of the Rovers returns to the Jumbo Trudgeon/Pudley village storyline this week. Colonel Chadwick is still leading the protest against the heavy traffic when Roy and Jumbo arrive directly from their game via helicopter. With Henry Trudgeon beside them, they propose a solution., The bad blood between the families began with a gold game, and Jumbo suggests it could be resolved with a golf game. Roy goes one better and suggests a penalty shoot-out between himself and a professional player of Henry Trudgeon's choosing, with the winner deciding the fate of Pudley's traffic bypass. The twist in the tale comes with Colonel Chadwick choosing Jumbo to represent him in the shootout. A penalty apiece sees the issue ends with all to play for and the rest of the Melchester players wondering aloud who will win, and suggesting that surely Jumbo has to let Roy win for the sake of peace in the village. An improvement from last week, the story is slowly coming together, although, I must admit, I already have my eye on the horizon in the hopes that we can move past this soon. It's good to see some conflict within the team, even if it is only slight, and I too am wondering how this shootout will end. Next week we will all find out together. 

 Rating: 5/10

Best Line: "What the heck is going to happen?"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Things move pretty fast in Martin's Marvellous Mini, and this week's issue slides across the pages in great style. Finding themselves unexpectedly in a stock car race on ice, the boys made a good go of it. After a slow start, they gain traction, and after a couple of slippery laps, they find an escape when another car crashes through a barrier. Taking their chance, they drive into the woods and freedom. The story ends as Tiny and Martin board a train for Paris, only for the villains to board the same train in the very next panel.  It was hard to get a grip on this story, it all flashed by so fast, one minute they were negotiating the race, the next they escaped and we were on a train to Paris. I do like it for this, it is non-stop and lifts the pace of the comic, especially after the pedestrian Roy Of The Rovers story that preceded it. Fast and likable, this week sums up all I like about Martin's Marvellous Mini.  

 Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Gosh, what a pile-up! Put the brakes on!"

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

Splash Gorton takes centre stage as we begin a new Johnny Cougar adventure. The story begins with Splash about to dive from a cliff-top for charity. After a safe dive, and avoiding a treacherous current Splash and Johnny are approached to take part in an expedition for sunken treasure. Splash's diving skills are required in the dangerous waters of the Pacific. Wrestling is bought into the fold as the expedition leader invites Johnny, it seems wrestling is also popular in the South Seas. A pleasant enough introduction to their next adventure, I appreciate that we get to see Splash showing some of his swimming skills, and I think this bodes well for future issues. It's also nice that we get to see Splash's pet penguin, it all adds to the kooky vibe of his character. I wonder how the wrestling in the South Seas will go, it does feel shoehorned in at this stage, but I understand that it is Johnny Cougar's name at the top of the title. A light issue this week, but enjoyable. 

Rating: 6/10

Best Line:  "Cougar foolish to worry...Splash heap fine diver and swimmer!"

A Horse Called Ugly

Last week Julian Carr's horse, Guardsman, missed a jump but finished strongly before Joe and Ugly started on the show course. This week we see the outcome of Joe and Ugly's round. Things start well enough for them, and Angela in particular is excited by the prospect of a clear round. However, on the second-page things take a turn as Joe's saddle breaks and he is left clinging to Ugly. Things go from bad to worse, Ugly crashes into a fence, and then takes off, leaving Joe calling him in dismay.  This week is on par with last week, and the story works well in two halves, on the first page everything goes well, the second page everything goes bad. I do like the dramatic drawings of the horses in action, and there is a couple of panels that stand out this week in that respect. Even if I'm not a fan of the overall storyline, each issue is exciting and dramatic, key ingredients in these comics. 

 Rating: 6.5/10

Best line:  "What a ghastly thing to happen. Joe could be badly hurt" 

Football Family Robinson 

Fred Robinson still has his mind on the information that Kevin has in regard to Rodney Bull. Last week their home match was delicately poised, the opening panels this week see them pull out a 2-1 victory with only minutes remaining before Fred and Kevin abandon Viv and Ma to go have a look at what could be vital information. Viv is not to be outsmarted however and finds them staking out well-known crinal Bernie Maxwell's place. She confronts them, just as the man they were watching disappears, and they miss a vital chance to help Alf. This week's issue has great interaction between the characters, and Viv steals every science she is in. She really is a firecracker, and the telling-off she gives Kevin is relatable to anyone that has ever had to face an angry wife. Great art conveys all the emotion, and the story feels as if it is picking up steam again. We have learnt a lot more about the criminals this week, and things are developing apace.  

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line:  "Dad and Kev have both spun us yarns to get out of going to the pictures. What's their game?"

The Tigers

Chunky is the mist help for his punting team when he's asleep. At least that is how it seems in the opening panels as his punt overtakes another, while Chunky takes a nap.Once he awakes the story pics up, although by the end it reaches a point where I wish he was still sleeping. First, his punting pole gets stuck, and he ends up having to be pulled from the water. Then, when the river forks, the Tigers seemingly stake the wrong fork. Several hours later in the darkness, Chunky finds himself suddenly hooked by a passing air balloon, and come morning we see our hero floating above the competing punts, although it seems his balloon is rapidly sinking. I'm going to put my cards on the table. I don't like it. The punting was ho-hum, but the air balloon was all too much for me, and even though it was only a couple of pages, it was all too much for me. I know, I am generally harsh on The Tigers, I try to be fair when I can, but I just don't get it. I'm scoring it lowly, but only because it's not my cup of tea. I'm sure there is an audience for it, just not at my house.   

 Rating: 3/10

Best line: "It-it's a blooming great b-balloon! I know I get carried away sometimes, but this is ridiculous!" 

Tallon Of the Track

Jo is still on the trail of those that tried to take her life, although the clue of the matches associated with the bathhouse is temporarily put on the back-burner as Jo prepares the Ospreys for their next competition. There is some resistance to her, given that she is a woman, but she deals with this quickly enough with a display of outstanding riding ability. After a training montage worthy of a Rocky movie the story swings back to the mysterious bathhouse as Jo approaches in a dingy part of town. However, her approach has been seen by the two criminals within who intend on dealing with her. What a great cliffhanger to end the issue on, and as tough as Jo Tallon is, I fear for her being alone in this part of town. The story has riding action and this larger story in equal measure, and I enjoy seeing a strong female character like Jo take charge, the way she dealt with the dissent in the team is great, and anytime she is on a bike things happen. A strong finish to yet another solid issue of Tiger. 

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line:  "Look at that dame go! She's as steady as a rock!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Skid Solo 

Best Line: Jo Tallon - "So you think you're the tops, eh, big mouth? Okay, let's see how well you can control that speed-iron of yours"

Best Panel:

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Tiger 17th November 1973

There were several cliffhangers in last week's issue that I am looking forward to seeing the resolution of this week. Johnny Cougar, Martin's Marvellous Mini, and Tallon of the Track all vie for my attention, but first, there is the small matter of Roy Of The Rovers and their game against Wakeford.  

17th November 1973

Roy Of The Rovers

Wakeford got off to a fast start last week in Roy of the Rovers. This week Roy tempers that by slowing play down and passing the ball, thus tiring Wakeford to Rovers level. It takes some time, but eventually, this pays off as Roy scores the equalizer in the final minutes. The end is a cliche, as is much of the match, and this week's episode feels like a placeholder until the broader storyline picks up again. There is hope that the larger story of the road by-pass will be resolved next week as Roy looks to get things settled before the replay.  I felt this week's Roy Of the Rovers was a little weak, and for me, the best part of the story was the first color panel of Charlie pulling off a great save. Luckily there is plenty more to look forward to in the coming pages.

 Rating: 4/10

Best Line: "Oh,'s there!  Where the heck did Race come from...?"

Johnny Cougar with Splash Gorton

Johnny's match with the imposing Tovaritch comes to its conclusion this week, and after several weeks of intense action, I have to say that this week is a letdown. After several rounds of back and forth, the story this week begins with Johnny taking control as they each grab each other in submission holds. The high point this week comes immediately after as they both take to the robes looking to body-check their opponent. This results in CJohnny catching Tovaritch with a boot which swings the rest of the match his way as he goes on the offense. In a dramatic final move, Johnny uses his body to throw Tovaritch over his head and into the ring post for a knock-out win. It sounds good as I see it here, put in the comic it never comes to life as much as I hoped it would. However, the writers do sow some seeds for future storylines as Tovaritch promises to train another champion worthy of taking on the almighty Johnny Cougar. I was invested in this story throughout, but the ending leaves me cold, and I can't quite pinpoint why. As always though, things move pretty fast and another adventure awaits us next week with a new start.   

Rating: 6/10

Best Line:  "Super show, Daddy-O... Now that big boaster knows who's the top man around here!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Martins's Marvellous Mini is a story of two parts this week, as the first page deals with the resolution of last weeks cliff hanger, and the second page sets up what's going to happen next. We last left Tiny on an out-of-control bedstead rolling downhill, while martin did his best to catch him. With some skillful driving, some good timing, and a shot of luck, Martin manages to catch Tiny on the roof of George. However, they are still being pursued, and manage to shake the thugs and hide in the car. It is this that brings us to the second half of the adventure, as they find themselves caught up in a race, a stock car race on ice! I wasn't taken by the first half of this week's story, but I'm loving the second half set up and I can't wait to see how our pals will go in the stock car race. As always, this strip gets an extra boost as it is in color, but it deserves it as it consistently delivers action and adventure. How can one little car get into so many madcap adventures, I just don't know.     

 Rating: 7/10

Best line: "On ice! We can't afford to slip up in this race!"

Tallon Of the Track

Things looked grim for Jo Tallon as she burst from the burning building last week, only to find herself hurtling at a concrete wall. Some amazing riding in the first few panels this time around, see her avoid disaster as she jumps her bike sideways, letting the tyres take the impact, before she crashes to earth, shaken but not hurt. Meanwhile, her bike isn't so lucky and is a mangled mess. The veer alert Jo spots the two men who started the fire and rushes their vehicle, hurling her crash helmet through the windshield, before they make a desperate getaway.  From here the story becomes a detective story as Jo finds a vital clue in the form of a folder of matches with the name of a Turkish bathhouse. I think we can see where the story will go from here, but with a strong character like Jo Tallon anything could happen, and my thoughts are rapidly moving towards the next issue already. This is a solid installment, with both action and intrigue, and things are well-balanced as we move forward. We have moved away from the action on the track, but the story is still engaging throughout.  

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "L-look! She managed to get out of that inferno alive!"

The Tigers

Chunky's punting adventure picks up as they have their first try in a punt that Chunky borrows. As expected, there are a couple of spills, before the gang runs into Ron Burton as his mates. Ron tries to tip Chunky's punt but instead tips up the wrong punt. After being thrown in the water by some older angry boys, Ron swears revenge in the race a couple of days later. As the race begins, Chunky looks for a fast start but only succeeds in throwing mud into Ron's ear, the story ending as again Ron swears to get revenge. Sometimes I enjoy the humor in The Tigers, and other times I find the story tiresome as a never-ending back and forth between Chunky and Ron. Sadly, this is the mood the story finds me in this week, and as much as I try to focus on it, I find it all too similar to what I've seen before. Maybe it's just me, and the miserable weather, but this one's not for me. A solid story, but I'm scoring it lowly.     

 Rating: 4/10

Best line: "Oh, no! we-we've sunk the wrong punt!"

Football Family Robinson 

Plenty of football action in this week's Football Family Robinson. The drama of Kevin's threatening phone call is temporarily put to one side as the game against Westhall Wanderers continues. After a spectacular goal from Ron puts the family up, Westhall equalizes with a goal that could uncharitably be called a fluke. At half time the plot swings back to Kevin being threatened as he tells Fred Robinson what has transpired. This doesn't bode well for the second half as Fred takes the picture with his mind still lingering on what Kevin has told him. We end this week with the sideline conversation surmising that if Fred carries on daydreaming they could lose the match. The story here treads a fine line between on-field and off-field action, and both overlap, driving the story on. I particularly like the artwork this week, it gives it a proper 1970s feel, and the hairstyles and clothing firmly root it in the time it was written. Maybe a little more Viv would be nice, but it's great as it is, and I have to move on from my love for Viv!   

Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "But one thing's for sure. No one is going to scare me off with threats!" 

Skid Solo

I yearn for Skid Solo to the track as we have another curious between-season story. This week skid is in an unnamed Central European city when he is caught up in a "follow-that-man!' story. Skid almost hits a cyclist, before a plainclothes police officer leaps into Skid's car and tells him to give chase. The police officer looks to shoot the cyclist, but Skid isn't havening it and stops the vehicle. The frustrated police officer arrests him and Skid drives to the Police Headquarters, where they arrive just in time to see the cyclist has been apprehended. That's just merely the beginning of the story, as the cyclist pulls out a hand grenade and demands Skid drive him to the border. After crashing through the border, Skid, the cyclist, and the plainclothed policeman are arrested. It is then revealed that the cyclist is a bank robber and facing a long stretch, leading Skid to conclude that you can't judge by appearances. The conclusion is fine, but it takes a long time to get there. As much as I love the artwork, and I can't stress that enough, I do find myself losing interest in these one-off Skid stories, and I can only think of a future time when we are back into the Grand Prix racing. Solid, but not my cup of tea. 

Rating: 5/10

Best line:  "Frontier ahead! Sure you didn't want to stop and talk it over?"   

A Horse Called Ugly

Julian Carr's horse, Guardsman, missed the triple jump in the final panels of  A Horse Called Ugly last week, but both horse and rider recover to make a strong finish and incur no other penalties. Although Julian blames Joe for the fault, every other horse also fails at the triple jump. On the final page and we have Joe and Ugly taking on the course and lining up the triple jump as this week's issue concludes. After the convoluted previous Skid Solo story, I like this for its simplicity and straightforward plot. There is enough action in the story, with plenty left in the tank for the following issue. I never thought I would be hooked by horse action, yet here I am enjoying this story just as much as any other. A pleasant surprise and a fine way to end this week. 

 Rating: 7/10

Best line:  "Let him go, Joe - I've got no time for a rider who blames his horse for his own mistakes" 

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 6/10

Best Story: Football Family Robinson  

Best Line: Johnny Cougar - "Ouch! The big fella thought Cougar would jump over him..and he dived straight into the Indian's knee! That hurt!"

Best Panel:

Tiger 7th February 1976

It's not you, it's me. I have been feeling blue ever since the hype of Christmas blew over, and this is colouring my reading of Tige...