Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tiger 5th July 1975

I'm a couple of days late with the blog this week. I went to the rugby on Saturday night and I may have overindulged, making for a very slow Sunday indeed. Regretfully, I couldn't even manage a quick read through this week's comic, and I now find myself on Monday evening with a blank page and the feeling of a teenager who has left his homework to the last minute. Unlike Billy Dane, I don't have a Mister Renton keeping an eye on me, although I do have a wife who thinks I spend far too much time "with those silly comics".  Sigh. Here's this week's issue.    


5th July 1975

Skid Solo

A flash of lightning and falling rain opens the French Grand Prix. On the track, it is a bad start for Skid Solo as his car fails to move as the flag drops to start the race. 

It is not as bad as first feared, and Skid is merely making a snap decision on the start line to change to rain tyres given that the rain is now coming down. 

Sandy and Tommy oblige him, and the race starts properly for Skid. He rapidly makes up the time lost, with several cars already crashed out of the race in the bad conditions. 

While other cars pull in to change to rain tyres, Skid continues to move up the field and as more casualties fall by the wayside Skid is out in front. 

Eventually, Skid falls foul of the conditions, and after recovering from a slide off the track he finds himself in second place behind Von Vargen with only two laps left. 

Some furious driving, and a slip from Von Vargen, sees Skid recover the lead. There is more drama to come, and a fast-moving Sparrow Smith overtakes Von Vargen, before zooming by Skid. This leads to a fantastic finish, with all three cars side by side as they come out of the final corner. The final drive to the line sees them all cross together, with Sparrow edging Skid and Von Vargen for the win, with Von Vargen claiming second and Skid third. 

The final comment goes to all three men who, when interviewed on TV, all simultaneously tell the viewers that it was wet. 

A great issue, only let down by the final panel as all three drivers spoke to the T.V. The racing action was crisp and fast-moving, with plenty of luscious panels showing the cars muscling their way around the track. It was great to see Skid making tactical decisions at the moment, and it wasn't just his speed around the track that got him to the front. It was equally enthralling to see three cars coming in for a close finish. The easy option, and one we have seen before, is to see Skid win the race handily. This close finish not only highlighted the competency of all those on the track but also created further drama with the driver's championship now becoming a close race. After several weeks of focusing on Tommy, it was refreshing to see us returning to a Skid-centric story and fast cars racing around the track. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Get these tyres off! I want rain tyres on...now!"

Roy Of The Rovers

Melchester Rovers are playing in a five-a-side tournament, and as the first game begins Roy can't concentrate as he is still wondering why his old friend Jules Bernard gave him the cold shoulder before the game. 

After losing the ball,  Roy gives himself a stern talking-to. This self-motivation tactic works, and Roy scores four quick goals, before limping off with a knock to the knee. 

It is not as bad as he is making out, and after quickly changing he takes the Rover's minibus and looks for his old friend Jules Bernard. At the hotel, Roy learns that Jules has left instructions not to be disturbed for the next twenty-four hours. Leaving the hotel, Roy has a stroke of luck as he sees Jules leaving by the staff entrance. Roy resists the urge to call out to him and instead shadows him, although we will have to wait until next week to find out where they are going. 

I'm not convinced this is a story I want to read. I like Roy, and I am intrigued by his relationship with Jules, but the story didn't grab me until the very last panel. The final panel is enough to lure me back next week, with the promise of the story deepening and a hint of danger. On the plus side, the artwork was fabulous this week. Away from the football, the character's expressions remained my favourite part of the story and I enjoyed reading their expression as much as reading their dialogue. You just can't beat the perplexed expression of Roy as he assesses the situation. The art and a strong final panel saved the story for me this week, and I have high hopes as the story moves forward that we will soon be on fertile ground.    

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "Wake up, Skipper! You're playing like someone with a problem on his mind!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

After a brief holiday in Spain, Tiny and Martin find themselves now chasing some armed criminals with a policeman as their passenger. 

Seeing the road zig-zagging downwards, Martin has a good idea. With the help of Tiny and the policeman, they push a large boulder from beside the road and down onto the road below them. This stops the cars in their tracks, and a few panels later the police have their men and Tiny and Martin continue their drive home. 

Reaching the French border they are stopped by the Italian border guards. They fear the worst but are instead rewarded for their efforts earlier in the story and presented with a wad of money. 

The boys are soon on the car ferry and heading for Dover. They have yet to count the money and as Tiny pulls the cash out, a freak wave hits the boat and the strip ends with the money blowing overboard, much to the dismay of Tiny and Martin. 

A strong start undone by a weak midsection took the wind out of the sails of this story. Ironically it was a wind gust at the end of the story that picked it up and set the story sailing into next week. I expected more from a story that opened with the two lads under gunfire, and I can't help but feel a little cheated by the way this thread was quickly snipped off. The story never recovered from this, and it was only in the final panel that it began to move forward. Once more the lads have been parted from their money, and as we so often see they will be starting over next week and looking for a new way to earn some cash. On the plus side, the artwork was the best in the comic and was a delight throughout. I rated it so highly, that I made this my favourite strip this week, and considering how the story stalled in the mid-pages, that is really saying something about the art. It was beautiful to hold in my hands, and even after I finished my eye was drawn back to it.  

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Stop the ship! Money overboard!"


Nipper has had a successful first game for the Grove Lane cricket team, although he now finds himself lumbered with looking after Sir Henry's son, Roger, who has gained new confidence playing with Nipper. 

Nipper leaves the cricket behind him and returns to his caravan where he has a new idea for training. Setting up an old mattress against the wall, Nipper kicks a ball against it. With the springs sending the ball rebounding in various directions, Nipper finds it good for his ball control and his reflexes. 

With the arrival of a tough-looking stranger, things go astray, and Nipper misses one of the rebounds. The ball cannons into the new arrival, sending him crashing backwards into a pile of tyres, and Nipper looks on horrified at the prospect of what could come next. 

Another story caught between two threads. The cricket spluttered to a stop this week, although it did seem to take a while to wind down with almost a page dedicated to Nipper and the fallout of his great innings with Roger. The second half of the story points us in a new direction with the appearance of both a football and a new character. Quite how this plays out in future remains to be seen, but for now, there is just a hint of interest from me as we pivot away from the cricket. The storyline with Roger and Sir Henry may prove to be a dead-end, and I am quietly hoping that this new direction will be the future way this story will progress. A lot of questions in my mind, which is always a good thing, and although this week is a stepping stone, next week the story should firm up and we will have a better idea of where we are heading.  

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Which is why I have decided to let you take him under your wing, Lawrence! Coax him along, as it were...make sure he keeps up the good work!"

Hot Shot Hamish 

Hamish has injured himself after falling off a ski jump, and as Princes Park takes the field against an Austrian team Mister McWhacker is concerned about his star player. 

Hamish makes it onto the field, although it is obvious that he's in a bad way. Mister McWhacker has named him as a sub, so Hamish is only to play if he's needed.

He is needed, as the Austrian team score a quick goal and the Princes Park keeper is injured while trying to make a save. Hamish takes his place in goal, although it is apparent he has a different set of skills from those required. 

Hamish's first goal kick is much too strong, and the team urge him to throw it next time rather than kick it. This he does, although he can't help himself and is soon charging downfield to help the attack he has started. It goes astray as he loses possession, and a long shot by the Austrian team is punched clear off the line by the Princes Park fullback. 

Hamish is unable to save the resulting penalty, and an angry Mister McWhacker tells Gordon to take the goal-keeping duties from Hamish while telling Hamish that he'd better score three goals in double quick time, or he'll be dropped for the next six games. 

Although I don't read Hot Shot Hamish to see Hamish play in goal, I did enjoy his cameo here. It was just long enough to give us a taster, and now the scene is set for Hamish to engage in some outfield action while Mister McWhacker threatens him from the sidelines. Good times indeed. We have something to play for now, and there is also the lingering thought that Hamish's ski jump injury may still have a part to play. The artwork wasn't as dramatic as we have come to expect, but there was still enough on the page to hold my eye and it propped up the story while Hamish was in goal. Some of the humour was toned down a little, which served this particular story well and was a nice change after the humour-heavy stories of the last two weeks. The balance here was much more to my taste, and although it wasn't the strongest issue I still found I read through it quickly and enjoyed what I saw. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Get back, ye great idiot! Ye're goalie - no' an attacker!"

Billy's Boots

Billy and Jimmy are about to face the wrath of Mister D. Renton after playing for the village team against their own school. 

The boys are worried, and rightfully so as they enter the office to see Mister Renton flexing his cane. However, he is pleased with their form as he has put their names forward to play for the Combined Schools team. Upon finding out that Billy and Jimmy are trying out for the County Colts, Mister Renton even manages a smile and wishes them good luck. 

Billy isn't confident about his ability for the Combined Schools team, and talking to Jimmy they decide to undertake some extra practice. Showing some good handyman skills, they build their own bowling machine in Billy's yard, although they do damage the TV aerial on the house in doing so. 

All comes good though, and Billy fetches the neighbor to fix it. It's better than ever and his Gran actually rewards him for his part in fixing it, giving him 25 pence (Don't spend it all at once Billy!)

At the County Colts trial, Jimmy finds himself struggling against a fast bowler while Billy watches on. As Billy's turn to bat comes, the ball is given to another player who bowls even faster, and Billy finds himself facing a bowler who bowls at almost the same pace as the Australian duo of Lillee and Thompson. 

The most striking thing about this story is we learn that Mister Renton's first name begins with a "D", at least that is what it says on the door of his office - "Mister D. Renton". This fired my imagination, and I did take a minute to consider what the D may stand for. The name Dave, or David, was at the forefront of my mind, and the more I looked at him, the more he looked like a David. No doubt we will find out in future years, I will be keeping an eye for it. Aside from my excitement about Mister Renton's name, the story delivered a few twists and turns and there was a lot packed into its two pages. The bowling machine built by the boys occupied a lot of the story and had a nice spin-off with a lovely moment between Billy and his Gran. All of it gave me warm fuzzies, and even as Billy prepared to face the pace bowler I was still dwelling on the moments between him and his Gran. It is not my favourite story this week, but it's not far off based on these soft family moments.   

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "Nonsense. He's not fast...he's just a medium-pacer! Let your chum have a go. I'll put our pace-man on for him!" 

Johnny Cougar

Golden Boy is facing Johnny Cougar in a boxing match followed by a wrestling match. Golden Boy is declared the winner of the boxing portion of the fight, and now Johnny Cougar is promising to get even in the wrestling. 

Johnny is as good as his word, and for the next page and a half, he dominates the Golden Boy before the strip ends with Golden Boy down for the count while Johnny stands determinedly over him. 

Not much to write about, but plenty to look at as we are back to pure wrestling action. Golden Boy is tougher than it looks, and although Johnny Cougar dominated the fight, Golden Boy proved himself to be no pushover. The action was rendered beautifully, with large panels capturing the action giving it the space it deserved. It was well-paced, and the bout was given time to breathe in contrast to some of the other stories this week that felt rushed. With no gimmicks, the story hinged on the believability of these two large men fighting, and I was completely sold on the intensity and physicality of it all. Johnny Cougar is back to what he does best, and we are all the better for it.  

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "Cougar ready to wrestle now! Soon your golden image become heap tarnished!" 

Tallon Of The Track

Jo has selected newcomer Buster Green for her team, and despite their rough start and the threats of previous reserve rider Bill Ritchie, he performs admirably on track. 

A selfless rider, he comes first or second in every race he is in, and inevitably Ospreys win the match. We finish with Jo watching on as Buster Green receives the trophy, Jo silently happy with the outcome. 

With no drama and little excitement on the track, there was little to spin my wheels here. The Ospreys raced well, and they won the meeting.  "Veni, vidi, vici" a lesser man might say. No peril or sense of the unthinkable happening made this a mundane ride through the countryside compared to some of the other situations Jo has been in. I was looking forward to seeing Buster Green and Bill Ritchie clash, yet it was barely touched on, and perhaps in a first for any strip in the comic, it was all smooth riding. I never thought I would say this, but I hope something terrible happens next week and we are again thrown into a world of the unexpectedly dramatic.  

Rating: 5/10

Best line: "Jo, Buster's still leading! He's a natural!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story:  Martin's Marvellous Mini 

Best Line: "I can do two things to you two! I can punish you... or use you..." 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tiger 28th June 1975

The football season has ended and the next sixty-six days are all mine. Well, OURS, according to my wife. To fill the void of the off-season I intend to read plenty of football comics, so I will still be getting my fix one way or another. Suddenly the cricket stories of Billy's Boots and Nipper are far more appealing, and I can empathise with them already. I shall be reading them with fresh eyes this week, and no doubt rating them higher than I have in previous weeks. Another bonus of the football season finishing is that I no longer have to get up at 3 a.m. on Sunday mornings to watch my team play (it's tough to follow the Premier League when you live in New Zealand!). I shall be far less grumpy on Sundays, and less likely to fall asleep on the couch when I should be writing my blog. Expect a refreshed me back next week, and an extra thousand words on the blog!     


28th June 1975

Roy Of The Rovers

The cover image is the one I was hoping we'd see at the end of last week's story. All the Melchester Rovers team are together for a team photo holding the cup. The new story begins almost immediately as the team splits up from the team photo. Roy is approached by a reporter who congratulates Roy on making the England team scheduled to take on France at Wembley. 

Roy is surprised and delighted to be taking on the French. The French team are in great form heading into the European Nations Cup, and Roy looks forward to playing them and his old friend Jules Bernard. 

The rest of the Rovers quickly congratulate Roy, and he tells them it is just as well he has entered them in a competition to keep them sharp. The competition he speaks of is a global five-a-side tournament and he has entered two Melchester teams in the competition.  

Three days later they arrive in London where they find miserable weather waiting for them. Roy thinks this is a good thing, the Wembley pitch will be heavy, and the French won't have kicked a ball since arriving. 

However, they arrive at the five-a-side tournament and find that the French have also entered a team. In the corridor, Roy sees his old friend Jules, but when he approaches him Jules runs away down the corridor. Roy has little time to consider this for at that moment Blackie arrives and tells him that their first game is about to start. 

An interesting start to this story, and already we have several threads coming together. I was immensely pleased to see the European Cup Winners Cup given its due on the cover. I thought that the winning of it was underplayed last week, but on the cover, it is given its rightful importance and moment to shine. Speaking of which, Roy making the England squad did seem rather low-key. Of course, it was in the era when players found out along with the rest of the public, a different time from now when the manager contacts the players directly. I liked this throwback to football past, and I am quietly salivating at the prospect of seeing Roy taking on the French team. There is also the small matter of this 5-a-side tournament, along with the fact that Roy's old friend Jules is avoiding him. A lot of good things to look forward to, and I am lured in by this bait already. Not much football this week, but the new storylines have been jump-started. I'm very tempted to pick up the next issue immediately, but I shall wait. I promise...

Rating: 7.5/10

Best line: "There's Jules...but why hasn't he changed? I thought he'd be certain to play..."

Skid Solo

The French Grand Prix is a week away, and this week we are on the water in Power Boats for Skid Solo. 

Skid has borrowed a boat and is entering a local motor-boat race,. With Tommy as his co-driver, Skid states slowly in the race to a bouy about twenty miles away and back. However, by the time they reach the bouy Roy has taken the lead and is soon speeding back to the start. 

It is now that disaster strikes, with a submerged log causing the boat to flip and throw both Skid and Tommy into the water. They are rescued, although Tommy has taken a bit of a knock and soon has several bandages on his face. 

The story ends with Sandy returning from the hospital, where he ended up last week, and finding Tommy working on the car despite his obvious injuries. Sandy tells him that he deserves a day off, and perhaps Sandy could take him and Skid down to the coast to see the power boats, and maybe even race one themselves.

Tommy respectfully declines, and in the final panel Sandy tells Skid that sacking Tommy did him a lot of good - he is now putting the car before pleasure. However, he is ignorant of all that has come before with Tommy and the boat. 

A likeable story, despite taking place on the water. I enjoyed seeing Sandy stumble ignorantly in at the end of the strip and confidently telling Skid that his sacking of Tommy did all the good, without knowing anything about Skid and the accident with the power boat. Ignorance is bliss as they say. The race was told simply, with each panel dedicated to a beautiful shot of the boats. There were no close-up actions or facial expressions, just boats racing on the water. It was refreshing to see and it gave the strip a new dimension that we don't usually see in motor cars. It looks like the troubles with Tommy are over and next week's Grand Prix should see the characters start from a clean slate.   

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "You deserve a bit of time off, Tommy - come with me this afternoon...Sandy won't know. He'll be at the hospital all day. They're taking the plaster off his leg..." 

Martin's Marvellous Mini

Tiny and Martin have won the Scandinavian rally and are now in pursuit of Vedgic, manager of the Ravnian team, who has absconded with the five thousand pounds he owes them.

This pursuit has seen them stray onto an airport runway, where a giant jetliner is about to land on top of them. A quick stop sees them avoiding disaster, and they quickly make their way into the airport buildings. They are just in time to catch Mister Vedgic, and after receiving the money they are owed the story quickly moves onto fresh territory. 

Tiny and Martin drive through Germany and France, and when we next see them they are driving over the mountains into Spain. Spain brings them sun, sand, and a relaxing few days. However, they are soon bored and decide to pack up and drive home. 

While driving both comment on how peaceful it is, only to be suddenly stopped by a policeman who insists on jumping in with them and ordering them to follow the acre ahead. 

While chasing the car, the policeman fills them in on the back story. The car ahead has two dangerous criminals, armed and desperate. A flurry of bullets hitting the windshield emphasises this point, and we end the story with boredom far from the minds of Tiny and Martin. 

Last week's story was quickly wrapped up, a few gentle days in Spain, and then we are thrown in at the deep end with this thrilling pursuit. I can't help but like it. I had my moments of the two pals bonding on holiday, some spectacular opening panels of the giant jet landing, and then the final half page which thrust us into something entirely new. All of it came in easily digestible bites, and this made for a story that continued to move forward, even when they're wasn't really anything happening. The art has to be praised for its colourful dynamism, and the way it makes the words redundant. It was a case of a picture being worth a thousand words. a point emphasised to me as I tried to quickly sum it up. A spectacular issue, and made all the better for the colour choices on the page. 

Rating: 9/10

Best line: "Are you sure you haven't been reading too many adventure stories?" 

Billy's Boots

Billy and Jimmy may be dropped from the school cricket team, but they have managed to get a game with the local village team playing against their own school.

Needing 143 runs to win, the village team has scored no runs for the loss of three wickets when Jimmy Dawson takes his turn to bat. His partner is an older man who reassuringly tells him not to rush, they'll be OK. He also tells him no quick singles, as he can't run fast.

It's good advice, and they form a good partnership, scoring more than fifty runs. Eventually, Jimmy's mentor is caught, and Billy joins Jimmy at the crease. 

The captain of the village team doesn't think much of the new partnership, and heads inside for a cup of tea. Out in the middle, Billy and Jimmy begin to enjoy themselves as they play against the school team, and both score freely. Jimmy soon reaches sixty, while at the other end, Billy makes an easy thirty.

This comes to an end as Jimmy is stumped, and needing nine more runs to win a new batter comes to join Billy. This batter is nowhere near as good as Jimmy, and soon he is out, and the village team is in trouble as more wickets fall., As the last batsman joins him at the crease, Billy decides that he must take things into his own hands. He strikes the next ball for a four, before launching the next one over the boundary for six runs and the win. 

Colonel Cannon is finally impressed with his two young players, and thinking he has discovered a couple of future test players, he tells them to come to the county ground on Tuesday for a trial. Billy and Jimmy are excited by the prospect, although a glaring Mister Renton, the sports master, is far from impressed by what he has just seen and tells them both to see him first thing on Monday morning to explain why they played for the village team against their own school.

Of course, the village captain's name is Captain Cannon. It's all too perfect. Last week he was my favourite character and he cemented that position again this week with his condescending attitude and old-fashioned lines. He was what held this story together, and kept my interest up asides from when Jimmy and Billy were batting. They have won this battle, but the war is still raging, and by the look on Mister Renton's face they are in for some fairly stiff times come Monday. The homeliness and warm feel of the early village cricket dissipated under the stern gaze of Mister Renton as any warmth I felt from the comic earlier rapidly disappeared. It was a good way to bring the curtain down on an interesting part of the story and brought a balance to the comic that I appreciated and approved of. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Aaargh! Wh-what's going on? It-it's an assassination attempt!"

Hot Shot Hamish 

Hamish is still competing to be champion of the island, and things have taken a violent turn as Big John hit Hamish's Daddie over the head with a golf club. 

This provokes an equally violent response from Hamish who hammers Big John over the head with a whole bag of clubs, thus ending things once and for all.

Hamish is proclaimed champion of the island and sails back to the mainland where he meets Mister McWhacker and the rest of the Princes Park team who are about to fly to Austria. 

Upon landing we find it to be a stereotypical Austria, with mountains and quant houses, along with men in their national costume. While the team heads off to their hotel, Hamish surveys the mountains and is intrigued by the ski-jump. A local explains that in winter young me ski down the jump before flying through the air. Hamish is taken to the top of the jump and imagines what it must be like,. He is snapped out of this reverie as one of his footballs gets loose and rolls down the ramp. Hamish does his best to catch up with it, and unsurprisingly finds himself slipping over and flying off the edge of the ramp. 

We don't see his landing, but later at the team hotel, he arrives on a stretcher, much to the dismay of Mister McWhacker and the rest of the team who are only an hour away from their game. 

I enjoyed the fun in the second half of the strip, although I was disappointed to see the Island Games come to such a rapid conclusion. It was wrapped up in only a few panels with Hamish hitting Big John over the head and being handed the trophy. I would have preferred a little more on the page before we took off to Austria. That said, the Austrian part of the story is good so far, and the sight of Hamish flying off the edge of the ski jump was the highlight of this week's issue. A humorous sight, one would have to be pretty cold-hearted indeed not to smile at it. This is the Hamish that we have become accustomed to seeing, and the exaggerated silliness of it is all part of its charm. We get some football action next week, the first time in a month, and the final tagline of the strip has me intrigued. Just who will be playing in goal when Princes Park's keeper is injured?

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Hoots! So You want to try some sword-fencing...with gold clubs! Right, ye asked for it!"

Johnny Cougar

Johnny is boxing against Golden Boy and has discovered the hard way the Golden Boy has been having secret lessons for over a year. 

Johnny manages to regain his feet by the eight count, and all he can do is try and avoid the flurry of punches coming his way for the rest of the round. He does manage to get a shot of his own on target, but some surreptitious cheating by Golden Boy has Johnny on the back foot and lucky to reach the end of the round still on his feet. 

Round two is more of the same, with Johnny doing his best to avoid the worst of it while managing to land a blow or two of his own. The round ends with Golden Boy on top, and with the wrestling still to come all are waiting to see which way the referee will call the boxing match. 

Good in-ring action, but not as good as the wrestling normally is. The boxing lacks the dynamism of the wrestling, and as such I could never quite get into it as much as a wrestling match. Given that this week's strip was entirely boxing, I could never warm to it as much as I tried to. Both fighters looked good on the page, and the facial expression of the announcer on the final page was superb, but with Johnny just hanging on, the story didn't carry the heavy drama it could have. Johnny was always going to make it through to the wrestling portion of the match-up, and as much as we saw him struggle here, the ending was never in doubt. Hopefully, next week gives us a sense of drama and the high stakes they are fighting for, but until then I walk away from this issue with little to say about this week. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Wah, not time to make heap un-funny jokes!"

Tallon Of The Track

Jo Tallon had been looking for a new rider to join the Ospreys, but she has bitten off more than she can chew as she is surrounded by a group of rogue riders in the countryside. 

Buster Green is the leader of the group, and as Jo does her best to avoid the group she finds that Buster is the only one who can keep up with her and her riding. 

Eventually, the numbers win out, and Jo finds herself off the bike and facing down the mob. The mob means business, but there is a surprise as Jo finds Buster Green stepping in to defend her. As he puts it to his gang, any girl that can outride him must be something. 

With the brawl over, Jo offers Buster a trial ride with the Ospreys, which he readily accepts.  The trial goes well, and Jo is happy to accept him into the team. However, Bill Ritchie, who had been previously dropped from the team for dangerous riding, is most unhappy and determined to lodge a complaint. The story finishes this week with Buster Green about to ride in his first race, while Bill Ritchie threatens to go to the chairman. 

I think we all knew that it would end like this, with Buster Green joining the team. Jo's joyride through the country was a pleasant distraction, although in the larger scheme of things, fairly lightweight. I do like the fact that Buster has gone from an anti-hero to a hero in a single week, while Bill Ritchie continues a downward slide. The two men's contrasting fortunes work well on the page and bring a nice sense of balance to the strip. The last two weeks do feel a little meandering, but now the pieces have been moved into place we should get a few weeks of dramatic action as the two main antagonists clash. I will be here for it, and lapping up every panel of the brilliant art that accompanies the story.    

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Beat it, you creeps! Any doll that out-motor-cycle me is something! There'll be no throwing in ponds!" 


Grove Lane Cricket Club are the easy beats of the local competition, but Nipper and his young batting partner are doing well against the local factory side. Nipper is encouraging his young partner to greater heights

Eventually, the innings ends, and Nipper and young Roger leave the field to the applause of their teammates. Nipper is keen to have a bowl, but he is banished to the boundary for fielding duty. Not much is happening, although Nipper does pull off a spectacular diving catch.

Things change with the appearance of Sir Henry, the club secretary, who calls the captain over for a chat. After this, the captain immediately calls Nipper in and hands him the ball to bowl. 

Nipper sets a wide field, but there's no need as he snatches a wicket with his first ball. His bowling may look innocuous, but he manages to put a wicked spin on the ball, and soon the opposition team is all out for ninety-seven - and Grove Lane has their very first victory. 

Although the team is happy, Nipper is worried about the future as he finds that Sir Henry's son was his young batting partner Roger, and now Sir Henry expects similar results every week. 

The cricket in this strip was far more enjoyable than it had any right to be, and I never imagined that I would enjoy seeing Nipper playing cricket as much as I did here. Any panel that saw him at full stretch captures the energy of Nipper, and we saw this both when he was diving for catches and when he was diving to prevent a run-out. The team still hasn't accepted him, but we are seeing small steps being taken. I can see that this story is well-paced, and we won't be rushing through anything too quickly - which is about right for a story about cricket. Not spectacular, it was a solid issue and it rounds out this week's issue with a sense of warmth that lures me back as much as any action on the page.

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "I can't believe it! Grove Lane have actually won a game!" 

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7.5/10

Best Story: Martin's Marvellous Mini 

Best Line: "Okay, Johnny...I think you've got him worried...he thought he'd killed you!" 

Best Panel: 

Roy's Sports Quiz:

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Tiger 21st June 1975

I have been reading a lot of very good blogs recently and this has left me feeling blue. I want this blog to be better than it is, and it could be if only I had more time. I am always rushing to get the net blog post with the only thought in my head that the most important thing is to post regularly. Another hour to brush up on the post and sprinkle my writer's fairy dust over it just doesn't exist at the moment. I am aware of my limitations, and I strive to be better, but as we know perfection is the enemy of progress. All I can do for now is keep pushing forward and hoping that one day my lotto ticket is a winning one and I can dedicate much more time to this passion of mine.    


21st June 1975

Billy's Boots

Billy and Jimmy may be dropped from the school cricket team, but they have managed to get a game with the local village team. Unbeknownst to the two boys, the village team's opponents are the school team.

It is a motley cast of characters who take the field for the village team, led by their captain, the Colonel, who Jimmy rightly remarks looks like he came out of a museum. 

Over the page, the boys are immediately found out by their Sportsmaster Mister Renton. Punishments are promised, but first, there is the small matter of the cricket match.

The Colonial is a strong leader, but not a good cricketer. He opens the bowling and is immediately dispatched to the boundary by the batter. The Colonel issues fielding changes, but ignoring his advice Billy moves along the boundary and is immediately awarded with a catch. 

This brings Mister Renton to the wicket, and he puts the village team to the sword, scoring a quick-fire hundred while dispatching the ball to all corners of the field. The Colonel has run out of ideas until someone suggests Billy have a bowl. This pays dividends, with Billy's Boots taking him for a long run-up before bowling a lightning-fast delivery that has Mister Renton out. Two balls later Billy has another wicket and suddenly the game looks very different. 

Wickets continue to tumble, and the school team are out for 143. The Colonel tells the village team that he'll open the batting, and the rest of them might not get a bat. Billy and Jimmy are coming in at four and five in the batting order, and they are required sooner than expected with three wickets falling before a run is scored, The story ends with Jimmy walking to the middle while Billy hastily puts on his pads. 

I have been slow to grasp onto these cricket stories, but this one was a humdinger and I am revitalized. A large part of that is due to the cast of characters presented by the village team. In particular, I was quite taken by the Colonel. His old-fashioned manner added humour, and the way he took himself too seriously was a dish that any young boy would lap up. We all know older gentlemen such as this, and to see them quietly deflated on the page appealed to my ego as my sense of right and wrong. Mister Renton the sports master also had his time in the sun, and seeing him perform great deeds with the bat helped round out his character, and with his sporting pedigree, we are beginning to see why he would be a sportsmaster. With other characters taking centre stage Billy came across as far more likeable than usual, and I felt sympathy for him and Jimmy Dawson as they first try and win the game before once again facing the wrath of Mister Renton. All this was finessed by some wonderful artwork, giving us a diverse cast of characters and a range of personalities on the page. The artwork added depth and warmth to the story, and I would happily take the front cover to be framed on my wall at home - with my wife's permission of course! 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "I'm out...bowled first ball. I didn't even see it. I had a fly in my eye. Dashed bad luck!"

Skid Solo

Last week Tommy Carter was sacked by Sandy, so I am most surprised to see Tommy in the pit and talking to Skid at the beginning of this week's comic. 

Skid hands Tommy his medal back after Tommy threw it away last week and tells him that while Sandy is at the hotel nursing his leg, Tommy can help out as his mechanic.

It's a fine plan until Sandy suddenly appears at the track and Tommy is forced into a quick disguise using a nearby hat and glasses. It may hide his identity. but it does nothing for his vision as he makes a series of mistakes due to his inability to see. 

On the back of these mishaps, Skid finishes fifth, while Sandy fires the incognito Tommy. telling him the previous mechanic, Tommy, was much better.

The strip ends with Sandy telling Skid that they should rehire Tommy, and he was much better than the mechanic they just used, and Skid readily agrees. 

A nice finish to last week's story and it was the rounded gentle finish that I like to see and that Skid Solo delivered so often. Tommy is paying for his indiscretion last week, and we the readers are the benefactors of a light story that plays to both the heart and the funny bone. The art conveyed the ridiculousness of the situation, and the panels of Tommy's disguise were particularly amusing - especially when he was wearing the glasses. The writing was just a tongue in cheek, and the non de plume that Tommy came up with on the spot amused me far more than it had any right to. 'Arry Adams indeed, a name worthy of a Skid Solo character. Aside from the humour, there were moments of pathos, especially when Tommy was fired for a second time. It was surprisingly moving (I haven't been drinking, I promise) and a touching moment as Sandy told him that Tommy Carter was far more worthy. It looks like we will have more of the same next week, fingers crossed, and if it is as good as this issue I shall be most happy.    

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Two years? Ye've learned nothing! I had a young lad working here...Tommy Carter, who'd only been a mechanic a few months...and he was twice as efficient as ye are! Get the pit signal board ready!" 

Martin's Marvellous Mini

We are drawing near the end of the Scandinavian Rally, with the two leading cars side by side and heading towards a gap in the fence that is only big enough for one. Both cars decide that discretion is the better part of valour, and at the last second, both swerve away in opposite directions.

The Ravianian car is the fastest to recover and shoot the gap, so to speak.  Trailing behind, Tint and Martin find themselves driving through the gardens of a stately manor. More trouble is afoot as they find a bar blocking their access to the next part of the course, but a quick shortcut (including driving through a lake) and they are hurtling past the Ravianian car towards the finish line. 

They cross the finish line first, winning the rally much to the chagrin of Mister Vedgic and his Ravianian team. Remembering that Mister Vedgic beat them a sum of money should they win the rally they seek him out, but he has already fled the scene and is making for the airport, 

Tiny and Martin are quickly after him, and after a wrong turn they find themselves on the runway at the airport, with a big jet rapidly bearing down on them. 

The final panel of the story lingers in my mind long after I put down the comic, and I am surprised that a small panel at the bottom of the page can carry so much drama. In another comic in another era, this would be a full double-page splash, but on the pages of Tiger it is understated and gets no more attention or space than any other panel on the page. The story itself wrapped up quickly this week and was almost a letdown after what had come before. To be fair though, I always say that after every story, and I don't know why I expect every story to go out with a bang. Realistically the only way to finish the rally was with the boys winning and being presented a trophy, to expect anything more would be foolish on my part. The Scandinavian adventure is almost over, although I never really felt like we were in Scandinavia, and it was the friendship between Martin and Tiny was the real landscape of the story. It is inspiring to see such a friendship on the page, and after finishing today's issue I felt a sudden urge to go and pick up my best friend and head off on an adventure ourselves.  

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Deserving something never got anyone anywhere! What we've got to do is catch the guy in front and beat him!" 

Johnny Cougar

Johnny Cougar has accepted Golden Boy's challenge and will now face him in three rounds of boxing followed by three rounds of wrestling. 

No Rocky-type montage, but we do see Johnny taking on extra training and sparring in the boxing gym as he prepares for the bout. 

The day of the fight arrives, and with Roy Race and Skid Solo in the crowd you know it's a big event.

In front of this stellar audience, Johnny awaits his opponent and the Golden Boy makes an entrance worthy of the occasion, arriving in a small aeroplane suspended by robes. In the ring, he is just as eye-catching, and all the early action consists of Golden Boy pummeling Johnny with heavy blows. The strip ends as Johnny takes another fist to the face and the audience wonders how much longer he can hold out against an obviously superior fighter. 

This was a well-paced story and built up nicely from the opening training session to the final confrontation between Johnny and Golden Boy in the ring. It was slightly jarring to see Roy Race and Skid Solo in the crowd, and this briefly took me out of the story. Both were close approximations to the characters I know and love, but not quite close enough for me to believe that they were part of the story. I always expect a lot in the artwork of Johnny Cougar, and on that front this week was a disappointment. The fighting between Johnny and the Golden Boy didn't look as bone-crunching as you might expect and although we saw the two exchanging blows, both looked like they were pulling punches - in the artwork at least. Similarly, the faces of the characters in the build-up weren't as strong as usual. I find the story is often carried in the faces of the characters in the artwork, but his week wasn't the case as neither Johnny nor the Golden Boy looked particularly intense in the build-up to the fight. Maybe I am a cup of tea short of properly enjoying it this week, everything seemed off half a step and I'm not sure if it's me or the comic. Perhaps I'll have a piece of chocolate and a cup of tea and try again. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "What a rough fellow you are, and no mistake! Get your gloves on and let's get started!"


Nipper has caused a scene at the cricket, his reckless call to encourage his captain is a distraction that sees the captain dismissed for a duck. 

The new batter looks extremely nervous and Nipper is desperate to make amends. Taking the strike as much as he can. Nipper hits out and is soon swiftly scoring. His partner is encouraged by this and plays with more confidence. A page later they have a 100-run partnership and the spectators are flocking to watch. 

At this moment Mike Bateson arrives and is horrified to see Nipper doing so well. So too is an unseen observer in the pavilion who swears to get Nipper and Mike out of the club.

This story is progressing much faster than I anticipated, and I feel caught up in the action this week as Nipper fought fire with fire. Seeing him encourage a weaker teammate was the crux of the story, and despite the off-field shenanigans, it is what is going on out in the middle that really counts.  The artwork caught all this action superbly and we had a variety of compelling images showing us Nipper in various action poses. Swinging lustily with the bat, diving to save a runout, and shouting instructions, all propelled the story forward and gave us some real momentum. This is the second cricket story this week, and like Billy's Boots earlier it has proved to be a hit at my house. Who knew a cricket story in a comic could be so much fun? I can only hope it keeps up with this frenetic pace.  

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "After a performance like this, they'll be playing for the first eleven next week!"

Roy Of The Rovers

The final of the European Cup Winners Cup is proving to be a tight affair with both team's tactics cancelling each other out. However, Roy has a plan and substitutes Lofty Peak in defence for another attacking player.

It seems madness, and the other players let Roy know. He is unruffled and tells them it is all part of a bigger plan. 

With Lofty off the pitch, the Greek team Niarkos, becomes more adventurous, with their right back pushing forward to attack. They almost score, and it is only the reflexes of Charlie Carter, "the Cat" that saves the day. 

He follows his save with a mighty kick upfield. Roy is heavily marked and kicks the ball over his head to where his new player is waiting on the wing. With plenty of space, this player makes for the goal as fast as he can. His shot is parried by the keeper, only for Roy to smash it home for a one-nil lead. 

With this goal, Rovers are in the ascendance, and as Niarko's defence begins to wilt, Rovers find the back of the net again in the final minutes. 

The cup is won, and as Rovers parage the trophy around the ground, Roy muses that he might make a go of this player-manager role. 

Oddly enough, winning the Europen Cup Winners Cup isn't the big deal I thought it may have been. There is no protracted presentation, and even once they have the cup we only see one panel of Melchester Rovers with it. Furthermore, Roy isn't even thinking about the cup he has just won, instead pondering on his future as player-manager. The game itself wasn't as intense as it could have been and overall it felt like a foregone conclusion once Roy's tactics were revealed. The drama of the cup was in the built-up to this final, and as such this issue was deflated in the face of all that has come before. Good but not great football action and a result that was never in doubt made for a solid issue that never burst at the seams as much as I wished for. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "You crafty perisher, Roy! You wanted Niarkos to attack, so that it would open up the game!"

Hot Shot Hamish

Hamish has won two contests already and only has to win the caber tossing to be proclaimed champion of the islands. 

As Hamish's Daddie watches Hamish train it is clear that caber tossing is not Hamish's sport, and this is borne out on the day of the competition as Hamish is handily beaten by Big John.

There's still a chance for Hamish as they approach the final sport of the competition which is Golf. Big John takes the first swing and sends the ball directly down the fairway. Hamish isn't quite as good, and his skews off out to sea. There is a brief subterfuge at this point by Hamish's Daddie who points down the fairway while telling all that will listen that Hamish's ball is straight and lies up ahead. 

He keeps up this falsehood all the way to the green. Here his lies fall apart, for as he slips a ball from beneath his kilt onto the green he is seen by Big John, who promptly knocks Daddie over with a fearsome blow of his golf club. 

I think we all know what's going to happen next, and the inevitable comes to pass as Hamish snatches Big Johns Club and snaps it half before the two men face off in a tense last panel. 

Once again Hamish's Daddie is a scene stealer and the best moments of the strip belonged to him. Hamish is very much a big dumb oaf this week, and it was his Daddie that propelled the action. It was an amusing read, and I couldn't help but grin at the action on the page. However, I prefer to see Hamish on the football pitch, and as much as I laughed at this, I would have liked it to be more football-orientated. Still Hamish's Daddie is a treasure, and if had a similar role in a football story I would be over the moon. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "Ye dirty, cheating, twisting, two-timing old fool! I saw ye do it...ye dropped it from under yer kilt!" 

Tallon Of The Track

Jo is in search of new riders, and as she cruises the roads a whole heap of trouble is rapidly coming her way. 

A group of troublemakers on bikes see her from a distance and decide that chicks shouldn't be riding around these parts on motorcycles.

They try to drive Jo off the road, but Jo is every bit their equal, and then some, and outrides all of them. Only the leader of the gang, Buster Green, has the skills to keep up with her and she is impressed when he manages to follow her across country. 

She is just thinking that this may be the solution to her problems with Buster showing he has some talent, but she has little time to reflect upon this as the story comes to an end with the other riders appearing and trapping her in the field.

This story felt like it was by the numbers, and it played to several tropes we have already seen in Tallon Of The Track. The casual sexism of the other riders was a low-hanging fruit to be picked by the storyteller, as was the way that Buster Green seemed to be the answer to Jo's problems. This familiar storyline was lifted by the artwork, and like last week the best moments were the close-ups of the riders chasing Jo. This story is now well-signposted for what comes next, and I only hope the finale comes soon so we can move on to something more nuanced. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "No chick is going to make my gang look stupid! I'll show her!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7.5/10

Best Story: Billy's Boots

Best Line: "Don't tell me what to do...you insolent 'keeper! I was playing cricket before you were born!" 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tiger 14th June 1975

I have just realized that we are in the final weeks of the football season. On the one hand, I'm sad that I won't be able to waste away my weekend drinking beer and watching the games, although on a positive note, that will free up my time and allow me to read my comics at a more leisurely and considered pace. And with no football on the TV, my entire football fix is going to be satiated by Tiger comic. It is a shame then that all these stories are currently beginning their run through the cricket season and football is taking a back seat in many of the stories. Still, Roy of the Rovers and Rovers playing in the Cup Winner Cup should give me a goal or two and a chance to yell encouragement from the sideline, even if I am 50 years too late and sitting on my couch.  


14th June 1975

Johnny Cougar

A new challenge for Johnny Cougar this week, and we learn of this new adventure on the front over the same time as Johnny does. 

Johnny is still at the school where we left him last week when an old bi-plane appears in the sky. Behind this plane trails a banner offering a new challenge to Johnny Cougar, Johnny and the watching school boys are curious as to what is behind this, and we find out soon enough as the bi-plane swoops low a flurry of leaflets falls from the aircraft. These leaflets are a challenge to Johnny Cougar from the Golden Boy, a challenge of three rounds of boxing followed by three rounds of wrestling. 

There is little time for Cougar to consider this before the plane lands, and the Golden Boy quickly makes his way to Cougar to make this challenge in person. 

With a nearby camera recording the events, Johnny Cougar is put on the spot and we all wait to see if he accepts the Golden Boy's provocation.

A new challenge for Johnny Cougar this week, and we learn of this new adventure on the front over the same time as Johnny does. 

Johnny is still at the school where we left him last week when an old bi-plane appears in the sky. Behind this plane trails a banner offering a new challenge to Johnny Cougar, Johnny and the watching school boys are curious as to what is behind this, and we find out soon enough as the bi-plane swoops low a flurry of leaflets falls from the aircraft. These leaflets are a challenge to Johnny Cougar from the Golden Boy, a challenge of three rounds of boxing followed by three rounds of wrestling. 

There is little time for Cougar to consider this before the plane lands, and the Golden Boy quickly makes his way to Cougar to make this challenge in person. 

With a nearby camera recording the events, Johnny Cougar is put on the spot and we all wait to see if he accepts the Golden Boy's provocation.

Having the plane deliver the message from the Golden Boy was a good way to start this story, and the images on the front cover were more than enough to arouse my interest. I presume Golden Boy previously appeared before I started my current read-through, and my first impression of him is positive. He looks good on the page and has all the arrogance of a good Johnny Cougar villain. With his golden locks, he stands out, as highlighted by his arrival by plane. He is certainly a bold figure early on, and with his challenge including boxing, he brings another angle to the strip. A slow start, but a positive one, and all bodes well for the upcoming issues.   

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "No foolishness, Johnny Cougar...many years ago, you beat me in the wrestling ring...now I challenge you to a real contest...to find the true champion!"

Roy Of The Rovers

It's the final of the Cup Winner Cup and the mighty Melchester Rovers are taking on the minnows of the competition Niarkos. Although Rovers know little of how Niarkos will play, Roy has done some pre-match research - speaking with the Niarkos fans about the various strengths of their team. 

He has done a good job, and the early Niarkos attacks are blunted by the counter moves Roy puts in place. There are also some attacking opportunities for the Rovers, although Roy's first shot that looks like it will be a certain goal is cleared from the line by a Niarkos player covering the keeper. 

This was one aspect of Niarkos' play that Roy was unaware of, and the two teams cancel each other out for the next few minutes. However, Roy has a plan, and soon after he replaces Lofty Peak with a forward, a move the rest of the team question as it makes no sense to replace one of their best defenders with a striker.

I'm not sure what Roy is playing at here, which means I'm itching to pick up the next issue and see what's going to happen. The unpredictable is what keeps the strip interesting, and if Roy were to win the game every week with a hat-trick I would soon become bored and interested. That is what makes stories like this shine for me, and my mind is working as much as my eyes as I read the strip. I still haven't sussed out what Roy's plan is, and as tempted as I am to pick up the next issue and find out, I will have to wait a week to see it all unfold. 

Rating: 7/10

Best line: "That's the strength of Niarkos! They're so fast, they can afford to pull a man out of the game to take on a special task, and rely on their speed to fill the gap!"

Martin's Marvellous Mini

After losing an hour on the timed sections of the Scandinavian rally, Tiny and Martin make up time with a shortcut during the speed section. 

Careening down a narrow alley, they are bounced down a series of steps before they find themselves back on some smooth road and surprisingly just behind the race leaders. 

The cars in front have no intent of letting the boys pass, and Martin is following them so closely that he misses the next turn-off in the rally. Another shortcut across the grass, and bursting through a hedge, they are back on the tail of the leaders with only four laps of the track ahead of them 

Some aggressive driving from Martin has them snatching the lead, and at the end of the stage, they are only one minute behind. Going to bed that night, there is only one stage left in the rally - the cross country.

This would normally be a strength for the pair but heavy rain overnight has Tiny worried that it will be a mud bath the following day. However, they start the stage well and are wheel-to-wheel with the leaders as they reach the downhill section of the course. Speeding toward a gap in a fence, there is only room for one car at a time and we have a cliffhanger of who will get there first.  

We saw a similar cliffhanger in Tallon Of The Track just a month ago, and with that in mind, some of the air is let out of the balloon with this final panel. It's only a minor irritation in what was otherwise another brilliant entry for Martin's Marvellous Mini. It was superb car action throughout the strip, starting with Tiny and Martin pushing to get past the other team, and ending with the cross-country race. I was pleased to see a brief pause in the action to see Tiny and Martin spending time at the hotel talking about the nest day. Any regular reader of this blog will know that I love these little interactions between the two of them, usually involving a cup of tea. No cup of tea this time, but still just as homely as they discuss the state of play. Next week I know the race for the gap in the fence will be quickly resolved and we can move on to greater challenges for the two boys, and their marvellous mini. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Not another short cut!"

Tallon Of The Track

A thrill-packed new speedway story this week, and we are off in grand style as the first panel shows a speedway race getting underway. 

Jo is watching on, and she is far from happy with what she sees. She has her reserve riders taking part in the race with the riders needing to step up in the face of a growing injury list. 

Bill Ritchie is the fastest of the reserves, but he still has much to learn. Jo is taking note and  Bill Ritchie is showing his inexperience from the start with a poor takeoff followed by some reckless riding on the track. 

Later Jo informs him that he just isn't good enough for the team and she and Dave decide to go out and scout some new riders. While Jo sends Dave off to a grass track meeting at Embleton, she heads toward Risely Way. We close out this week's issue with a group of riders seeing Jo ahead of them and threatening to run her off the road. 

A slow start to this story, but it got us to where we needed to go. We are now poised to see some real action next week, and I have a sneaky suspicion that this group of riders promising trouble to Jo may prove to be the solution to her problem. I'm getting ahead of myself, and looking closely at this weels issue, it is again the artwork that is the main draw. The new bunch of riders approaching Jo look suitably dangerous, with the little details in their clothing giving us clues to what type of characters they are. It's early days, but I like this story already and I think I'll be warming to it much more in the coming weeks. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "Pull over, Bill! We're partners -- not on opposite sides."

Skid Solo

Tommy Carter has only been in with Skid Solo a couple of months, and already he has a bevy of beauties swarming around him. The young ladies are fascinated by the medal he earned for his bravery in the previous issue, and Tommy fields several questions about it, along with an invitation to a party that night. 

Leaving his fans for a minute, Tommy returns to Sandy and Skid who are preparing the car for a practice. Sandy asks Tommy if he has made all the checks of the car as he was asked, and Tommy assures him that he has. However, once on the track Skid encounters trouble with steam coming out of the engine. In the pits, Sandy pulls the engine apart and finds that Tommy has not tightened all the cooling system connections correctly. 

Tommy admits that it has slipped his mind, and Sandy lets him know how disappointed he is about this. Tommy is given a chance to redeem himself when Sandy tells him he has to leave and Tommy offers to stay and fix the car. 

As Tommy works late into the night he is interrupted by the girls from earlier in the strip, offering to take him to the party. Tommy can't resist and is soon dancing up a storm at the party. Unfortunately, when he gets back to the car he finds that someone has already fixed it and Sandy appears and tells him that he took it upon himself to fix it. Sandy tells him that he's sacked - Skid needs someone he can rely upon and that's obviously not Tommy. 

The following morning, Tommy takes one last look at the pits. With his medal in his hand, he considers that it is the medal that has caused all his problems and he tosses it aside before leaving. 

Skid and Sandy arrive and Skid finds the medal. Sandy explains that he has fired Tommy, and is surprised when Skid unexpectedly stands up for Tommy. The strip ends as Sandy tells Skid that he will quit if he calls Tommy back. 

Not much motor racing, but a brilliant Skid Solo strip. Again, all the action is driven by Tommy Carter, and he is your typical teenage boy throughout the story here. It was very relatable and the situation he was in was familiar with his friends luring him away from his work. Skid is the level-headed one of the situation, although I recognized Sandy's point of view. Sandy sounded just like my father, while Skid came across as a kindly uncle. The Skid Solo stories have gone up a notch since the arrival of Tommy Carter, and this is perhaps the best one we have had since he first appeared. The best thing is, this story is far from over, and we still have to check back next week to see the outcome of Sandy rashly firing Tommy.  

Rating: 8.5/10

Best line: "I said I fired him, Skid! Ye call him back now...and I go! I told ye...he's no' to be trusted!"

Hot Shot Hamish

Hot Shot Hamish is about to take on Big John in a boxing match, and in preparation, he is fighting against wee Horace. Hamish is a peaceful man and tells his Daddie that he can't hurt anyone as he dances around Horace. Hamish's plan is to avoid being hit by Big John and hoping to exhaust him. 

As Hamish arrives in the ring for his big fight he is handed a telegram that tells him that he's wanted for a big match and to be at the harbour at 8 o'clock - a mere two minutes away.

Hamish is determined to make it to this big match and strikes Big John with two fearsome punches that lay John out on the floor. Quickly leaving the ring, Hamish runs to the harbour. Here the final scene plays out as he finds his Daddie there waiting for him. Hamish's Daddie has tricked him into quickly wrapping up the fight, and when Hamish asks where is the big match, his Daddie hands him a giant match. 

The last thing we see in the strip is Hamish chasing his Daddie and striking him over the head with the match. 

This week's story was all humour, and the peaked with the visual gag of Hamish's Daddie and his giant match. I may have smiled earlier in the strip, but this image made me laugh out loud. We still have a caber tossing competition ahead of us, and no doubt this will be just as humorous. Any time Hamish's Daddie is in the comic, the humour side of the stories is emphasised, and this is a fine example of the humour Hamish and his Daddie generate together. 

Rating: 8/10

Best line: "Och, someone had to give the stupid great lump of haggis something to fight for! Did ye no' see how he bashed Big John? It was a treat to watch!"

Billy's Boots

Billy and Jimmy are in trouble after being caught playing football during a break in their school's cricket match. Quickly called back into action, Billy opens the bowling, and his first two balls have him treading deeper water as they go astray. 

However, he comes right by the end of the over and manages to get a wicket with his final ball. At the other end, the spin bowling of Fatty Ramsbottom is proving to be a game-changer, and while Billy ties up his end, it is Fatty who claims the bulk of the wickets, 

Groundwood wins the game, but Billy and Jimmy still have to face the repercussions of their actions between innings. The pair are dropped for the next game, and they practice by themselves at home in the days leading up to the game. This practice causes some damage to Billy's Gran's sheets, and when they take them in to be repaired they are offered a chance to play cricket for the Groundwood Village team on the weekend. The pair are very happy with this outcome, although they are unaware that the team they will be playing against is their very own school team.  

Trouble ahead for the boys, it was a good way of upping the ante after the trouble they had already found themselves in. I can't see this ending well, and after a fine start to the cricket season, it seems Billy and Jimmy may be on a downward spiral for the next few weeks. The simple homely feeling of the comic was the most appealing part for me, and seeing the two boys playing cricket in the yard with Gran's sheet was a low-key highlight for me. With its familiar setting and the usual school drama, Billy's Boots again appeals to the young boy within me and will always be readable, even if it doesn't reach the same heights as previous issues.  

Rating: 6.5/10

Best line: "It's ripped a great hole in your Gran's sheet! Can you sew it up? Do it neatly...and perhaps she won't notice!"


Nipper is playing for the Grove Lane cricket team, where the captain has put Nipper down last on the batting order. Nipper isn't going to let this slide by, and while the skipper is batting, Nipper takes it upon himself to rewrite the list - with Nipper coming in next.

When his time comes, Nipper strides confidently to the pitch, ready to swing his bat. The ball comes faster than expected, and after missing the first ball, Nipper manages a flukey shot off the second before an aggressive strike at the third goes for four.

The local factory side they are playing against recognises Nipper, and between overs, they tell him that Grove Lane is useless and everyone looks forward to giving them a thrashing. This plays into Nipper's competitive spirit and as his partner prepares to face the next ball, Nipper yells encouragement - spoiling his teammate's concentration and resulting in him being bowled. 

This week the story meandered a little. Nipper injected himself into the cricketing action, but by the time the strip ended, he had only faced three balls. The story is still in its early stages, and we are still in first gear. There wasn't much that caught my eye in the artwork, and I didn't feel myself involved with anything happening on the page. Maybe cricketing Nipper isn't for me, I still have hopes, but for now, I preferred it when he was playing football. 

Rating: 6/10

Best line: "No he isn't...he's number eleven! Take a look at the batting order if you don't believe me!"

Issue final ratings:

Overall: 7/10

Best Story: Skid Solo

Best Line: "It's cost me my job...everything. I've let my friends down. I---I wish I'd never seen the medal..." 

Best Panel:

Roy's Sports Quiz:

Tiger 27th March 1976

"Can they do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke?"     -Andy Grey This week, Billy's Boots answers that question with Billy...